2 LBS.Kenya AA Karundul Coffee Beans Finest Auction Lot Medium Roasted Coffee, Fresh Daily!

Kenya AA Karundul Coffee Beans Finest Auction Lot...Always the freshest, current crops too! Auction Lots are a superior grade above other grades because of careful farming conditions which makes the beans superior in quality and final taste.

Roasted fresh and recommended one month shelf life on roasted beans for maximum freshness.


Sweet with a trace of chocolate and fruit flavors...a wonderful, bold, flavorful cup...a favorite of ours that we always keep in our store.

Fragrant, sharp, and full bodied. This coffee is slightly sweet with a trace of chocolate and fruit flavors, excellent balance of acidity and body. Kenya AA coffee is nearing the top of the list of the world's finest Arabica bean coffees. When it comes to coffee production, Kenya has a reputation for absolute excellence, especially because it lies near the region where coffee beans originated.

Announced by strong overtones of berries and citrus fruits, this Kenya originated coffee is a surprise in taste and aroma. Staying in the characteristic traits of distinctive floral and fruit of aromas of African and Arabian coffees, this blend of citrus and blackberry flavors is a juicy treat. It's a medium body, and the epitome of what this type of region has to offer.

Kenya is the East African powerhouse of the coffee world. Both in the cup, and the way they run their trade, everything is topnotch. The best Kenya coffees are sold as AA, AB to PB. They are specific auction lots sold to the highest bidder, and heated competition drives the prices up. Their research and development is unparalleled. Their quality control is meticulous, and many thousands of small farmers are highly educated in their agricultural practice --and rewarded -- for top level coffee.

Kenya AA coffee, which is grown at elevations of 4,900 to 6,800 feet, is nearing the top of the list of the world's finest Arabica bean coffees. When it comes to coffee production, Kenya has a reputation for absolute excellence, especially because it lies near the region where coffee beans originated.

These gourmet coffee beans are grown on volcanic soils and are wet-processed; the beans are harvested, immediately removed from the cherries, and washed to remove the excess pulp. This process causes the coffee to have a full body of flavor with a heavy acidity. It also displays a gentle floral aroma as well as berry and citrus notes.


Area: Eastern Province, Embu district

Altitude: 5600 Ft

Varietal: SL 34 (best for growing at high altitudes) AA

Process: Wet Mill

Soil: Deep red volcanic

Harvest: April 2015


This medium-roasted, Kenyan coffee is denoted by the grade AA, meaning it is large in size as well as flavor & is most frequently characterized as having a winy taste profile. What does this mean? With a sharp acidity and a bold and heavy body, Kenya AA is layered with hints of fruit, giving it a complex sweetness and pungent aroma. Like a first growth Bordeaux or a great Cabernet from Napa Valley. So at the end of the day, Kenya coffee is best known for its berry like and frequently blueberry and black current taste. So if one is at all serious about learning and tasting the world's great coffees time should be spent with Kenyan coffee in your cup. The fruit structure is intact and the berry tastes are definitely there


Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love."

Did you know:
Ground roasted beans lose their optimal flavor in about 2 days?
Whole roasted beans lose their optimal flavor in about 2-3 weeks.
If your coffee wasn't roasted just before you purchased it, chances are, it isn't fresh. The difference in flavor between fresh coffee and stale coffee is not subtle. Did you know that without fresh coffee, your espresso machine will have a hard time producing that thick crème you are trying so hard to achieve? Drip, French Press, Vacuum or espresso - every brewing method will produce better results with fresh coffee. That is why we custom roast to your order. Or try purchasing our carefully selected green beans and roast at home.

Recommended Roasting: Medium dark roast. Announced by strong overtones of berries and citrus fruits, this Kenya originated coffee is a surprise in taste and aroma. Staying in the characteristic traits of distinctive floral and fruit of aromas of African and Arabian coffees, this blend of citrus and blackberry flavors is a juicy treat. It's a medium body, and the epitome of what this type of region has to offer.