Introducing the "Confidence Power Pack"

The Power Pack Consists of 5 cds they are all approximately 30 Minutes each:

1 - A New Positive Attitude Gold CD
2 - Increase Self Esteem Gold CD
3 - Master Charisma Gold CD
4 - Unlimited Motivation Gold CD
5 - Unlimited Confidence Gold CD
Retail Value of $149.99

Achieve Unlimited Confidence
Be confident naturally using hypnosis

Confidence all begins in the mind. Everything you are, everything you want to be, and everything you will be has to do with the amount of confidence you have.

If you think about it, there isn’t anything you have or are that wasn’t made possible through first believing in yourself that you could get it, be it, have it, or do it. So, when we work on our confidence we work on that part of ourselves which is creating our lives.

Once you change your inner world through hypnosis you automatically, without even trying, change your outer world because your subconscious mind always feeds your conscious mind with ideas.

These ideas are what power your life when you have positive, productive, confident life. When your ideas are hindered by your lack of confidence you find yourself circling rather than moving forward.

The goal of hypnotherapy or any other goal of therapy is to get you moving forward in a straight line in your life toward a goal. So, by using basic, simply, yet highly effective techniques, I cause changes in people’s lives; changes which lead them to their goals.

By purchasing this recording, you will be lead to your goal with all the confidence that you need. When I say led toward your goal, I don’t mean in a zombie like fashion. I mean that when you area fully alert, fully conscious, you will have the ability to move forward in your life using the power which you will have from your subconscious mind.

Without even thinking about it, your subconscious mind will feed your conscious mind powerful ideas and productive goals. You will behave just like you always would, wide awake, functioning normally with the exception that you will be taking chances which you wouldn’t ordinarily take.

Talking to people with whom you would not ordinarily have a conversation and doing things which enhance the quality of your life are things which, without the power of hypnosis, you would not do. Many of my clients report that the people in their lives notice a dramatic change in the way my clients interact with them and others.

Getting a raise at a job or getting the job itself is not uncommon as a side effect of using this hypnotherapy recording. You will find that when you master confidence, every part of your life begins to change whether it’s losing weight, getting better grades, or going after love interests. Everything in your life will be affected positively when you begin believing in yourself with the help of this hypnosis CD.

By simply listening at night to this recording for 21 nights in a row, you will find that the changes take place in your life almost magically without any conscious effort on your part.

When I work with clients in person no matter what we are working on, stopping smoking, making more money, etc. I always make sure that the first hypnotherapy session is about confidence. Confidence is so essential to every positive change you want to make in your life that without it you will go no where and with it you will go anywhere you want to go.

I have had the honor and privilege of working with many actors in Hollywood and though you wouldn’t know it by looking at them and watching them work their magic on screen, many of them are naturally shy and lacking in confidence.

When I work with them, I tackle confidence first taking an actor who has faked his or her way through being confident and molding them quickly and easily into someone who is actually confident through and through.

This allows mediocre actors to become A list celebrities and for A list celebrities to maintain their lucrative positions. I know that if these people can benefit from hypnotherapy you can as well. Because in addition to working with these types of people I have worked with everyday people like you and I and I know from working with a wide variety of people that we are all the same.

We all have some degree of doubt about ourselves, our futures, our abilities, our worthiness, to have these qualities are human but to have them hold us back is debilitating. So, the method to overcoming these challenges and minimizing the factors working against you is easily accomplished with hypnosis.


Confidence has an impact on almost everything that we do. It affects how we feel and how we react to things. It also effects how others perceive us and react to us. If you are beginning to think that you are lacking self-confidence, that is okay. The good news is that confidence can be learned. You can actually “practice” confidence and become more confident.

Ask yourself this: In what area do I need to improve my confidence? Perhaps you want more confidence when you are talking with people. Perhaps you want more confidence in your own abilities. Perhaps you want more confidence in the way you look. Get out of your comfort zone and feel good about yourself! You can achieve confidence simply by practicing it. Take a risk and don’t let yourself be embarrassed or disappointed by a negative outcome. Chances are that there will be a positive outcome and you will realize that you can be confident in any situation.

“Confidence gives you courage and extends your reach. It lets you take greater risks and achieve far more than you ever thought possible” (Capitalism Magazine, 2002)

Here is a sample of the script used in this recording:

Unlimited Confidence

Now, see a blackboard, a chalkboard in front of you with the uncomfortable labels you have been given in the past, the labels that slowed you down and failed to reflect the wonderful, strong, and good qualities that you have. And now see those labels on the board and take the eraser and erase those labels from the board. Just erase each one, wipe it away. They have no meaning for you, none at all. Now, the blackboard is blank and you write anything you want to write. Now you take the chalk and you write the words that describe yourself. You write confident, valuable, important, capable, and skilled. And now you write other words, other good positive words that describe you, do this now. Now look at those words. Look at the words you wrote, confident, valuable, important, capable, skilled and the other words you wrote, the other good, positive words you wrote to describe yourself. Look at those words. And now just begin to imagine yourself standing tall, proud of who you are. You are fine. The way you look and act and think are fine. They contribute to making you the wonderful person you are. Imagine yourself experience a new and healthy energy, an energy that helps you to accomplish all that you need to do. For a moment, just reflect on all the positive aspects of yourself, your creativity, your intelligence, your talents. People see you as a good friend, a good worker. They see you as a good person. See yourself as a positive and worthwhile person. Just imagine yourself speaking to people. See yourself confident, very confident. You are certain of your abilities, very certain. You are certain of your correctness, your talents, your appeal. Your conversation with others is easy. Words flow easily. People are interested in what you have to say. People notice you and regard you as a wonderful person. Just imagine projecting yourself in the most positive way, assertive and self assured. You will approach problems with these thoughts: I can do it, I have the energy, I am just right for the job, I can take charge, I can solve this. You are confident, capable, talents, and you have appeal. You are kind to yourself. You are kind to yourself. You are kind to yourself. You no longer have time for negative thoughts or feelings. You fill your mind with positive ideas, productive goals, and you look at life as an adventure.  

Other information on Unlimited Confidence Hypnosis CD:

Having confidence in yourself is very important. Along with having confidence comes self-esteem and respect. These are all qualities we should have and can have! Sometimes all it takes to boost your confidence is having someone else pay you a compliment. But the real source of confidence is YOU. You cannot depend on others to raise your confidence, this is why hypnosis is so helpful. Hypnotherapy allows you to see yourself differently and in a more positive way.

Steve G. Jones's Unlimited Confidence self-hypnosis recording will give you a lot of positive affirmations to make you feel more confident in yourself. Steve uses powerful suggestions targeting your subconscious mind so that you feel confidence in yourself and in all situations.

We all like compliments from friends, family, and strangers, but we cannot always depend on others to boost our confidence. This is where you come in! You are your biggest fan. You have to take control of your self-esteem and see yourself in a positive light. Hypnotherapy puts you in charge! You can control your subconscious mind and increase your confidence.

The good news is that hypnosis will help you get there. You deserve to see yourself in a positive way because you are a kind and strong person. You are smart, capable, fun, and attractive. You have so many good attributes and the Unlimited Confidence recording will help you realize your positive attributes!

Oftentimes we tend to gravitate toward the negative and focus on our weaknesses, but it is important to steer your thoughts away from the negative. Remember the power of positive thinking? Your confidence and positive thoughts make you feel better on the inside.

Feeling better about yourself on the inside creates a domino effect. Soon, all aspects of your life change for the better. When you feel good about yourself you smile more and you have the ability to not "sweat the small stuff." Confidence in yourself prepares you to handle difficult situations with calmness and trust in your abilities.

Having confidence makes other people view you in a different and more positive light. People who have strong self-esteem and confidence have a sort of social finesse. Everyone loves being around someone who is positive and confident. YOU can be that person when you listen to the Unlimited Confidence self-hypnosis program by Steve G. Jones!

You must discover your inner confidence. It may take some time and some patience changing the way you view yourself, but you can do it! You are a great person on the inside and out and you deserve UNLIMITED CONFIDENCE in your life!

We suggest that you listen to the Unlimited Confidence self-hypnosis recording for 21 nights in a row before going to bed. And yes, it is fine if you fall asleep during the session. Even though your conscious mind is asleep, your subconscious mind is alert and absorbing the positive messages from Steve G. Jones.

Achieve Unlimited Motivation
Get Motivated with Hypnosis!

When we get motivated about something, we start moving forward and when we start moving forward other people notice our motion and compliment us on it. This leads to momentum when we have momentum we have true lasting sustainable power to constantly move forward and to constantly gain velocity. We become unstoppable believing in our true possibility, and living up to our true potential.

This unlimited motivation recording is called unlimited because your potential is truly without limits. The only limits are in your mind. So, once we tackle on a subconscious level those “limits” we eliminate then and then we are able to move forward without being hindered. It’s true that the greatest obstacle you will face in life is yourself.

Once you get yourself out of your own way, you will find that many things open up, many things become simple, many things become easy, and many other opportunities present themselves.

At some point in our lives, we all need a little motivation. Whether your goal is to start a new business, run a marathon, or to just clean your home, you need to be motivated to see the job through from start to finish. For some people it may be easy to get motivated for a short-term goal, but what is going to keep you motivated for a goal that could take years to accomplish?

Imagine a goal that you have been trying to reach. Perhaps you have been working on something for a couple of days or maybe you have been working toward a certain goal for years. Imagine the sense of accomplishment you will feel when you reach that goal. You deserve to be motivated and reach your goals!

No matter what your goal is, you will probably need motivation somewhere down road. I encourage you to find a motivator whether it’s a person who will help you see your goal through the end, or a hypnosis recording that you can listen to whenever the need arises. In my life, I use both. I have people who encourage me and give me great advice and I also listen to my own recordings whenever a need an extra boost.

Here is a sample of the script used in this recording:

Unlimited Motivation

Imagine that nothing holds you back from reaching your goal and becoming the successful person that you want to be. Imagine a perfect kind of day. A day that you awaken to and you just know it is going to be the kind of day where everything is just right. Everything just falls into place. Your feelings are good. You feel at peace. You feel content. You have been comfortable and safe and now you choose to expand your comfortable space. Just imagine yourself pushing back the barricades, pushing back the barricades you created and instead you are expanding your horizons, expanding your goal, reaching forward higher and higher, feeling comfortable with your new goals. Feeling comfortable with your expanded boundaries. You feel safe secure, and pleased that you have the control and power within you to change. To change your limitations and be the successful person you want to be. Your feelings are good. You feel at peace. You feel content. Now just imagine taking this special day and placing it a little bit in the future, a day or two, a week, a month, just a little in the future. Imagine that you have resolved many conflicts, many problems and they are now in the past. Imagine a smile on your face. You are at peace, content, and you have found solutions to problems and resolved them. You are now free of past burdens. You are confident, self-assured. You feel centered and strong. Now, just imagine a goal or a project that you would like to accomplish. See yourself with all minor goals aside and just focus on one goal or project. See yourself with energy into your work. See yourself complete it. You see new opportunities. You see new challenges that are more exciting than the old ones. You see yourself with renewed energy. You are enthusiastic, you focus, you concentrate, and new ideas develop from the old. New energy and positive feelings emerge. You are successful. You reach your goal. Imagine yourself worthy of all good things that life has to offer. Reaching your goal is very beneficial to you and as you continue to reach the goals in your life, see them as positive events, positive to you, your family, friends, and people you work with. Imagine the goals in your life, see them as positive to you, your friends, your family, friends, and the people you work with. Imagine yourself putting energy into reaching your goals and becoming the successful person you deserve to be. Reflect for a moment on other positive goals you have already reached. These goals were good for you and all those around you. Now see yourself become successful. You are happy. You are sensitive to others. You are helpful and your success is positive for all. You are comfortable in your success. You use your success in the most positive and worthwhile ways. You deserve to be successful. See it, feel it, you are successful. Your mind is clear. You see yourself as the intelligent, creative and beautiful person that you are. You have many choices, many options, and whatever you choose to do, whatever direction you take, know that it will be positive for you. Your success is a positive event for you and all those who touch your life. Every choice you make and any path you choose is absolutely right for now. Now just see yourself clearly in the near future with many positive directions and choices and bring this image into the present. See yourself resolving problems. See yourself confident and successful with many wonderful and positive paths to choose from and you know you can continue your success. You can continue to make choices that enhance your life.

Other information on Unlimited Motivation Self-Hypnosis CD:

Having motivation in your life is very important. Motivation allows you to reach your goals and accomplish your dreams. Whether you want motivation to help achieve a major life goal or if you want motivation to get chores done around the house, this self-hypnosis recording is for you!

Hypnotherapy will help you get all the motivation you need in order to be a success. You want to be a success. You deserve to be a success. All that is missing is probably a little motivation. This powerful hypnosis session will give you the motivation you need to accomplish anything at any state in your life. You are capable of achieving great things and this self-hypnosis CD will help you get there.

The powerful and positive suggestions in this recording will give you the motivation you have been needing!

Accomplishing goals becomes a domino effect. When one goal is reached, others seem to fall in line easily and effortlessly. Sometimes the only thing keeping you from reaching a goal is lack of motivation. With the Unlimited Motivation self-hypnosis recording, you will get all the motivation you need to achieve your goals. Hypnotherapy will help you set goals, visualize goals, and then achieve goals. It is a very powerful hypnosis session that will make all the difference in your life!

We suggest you listen to the Unlimited Motivation hypnosis recording for 21 nights in a row before going to bed. The positive suggestions will start working on your subconscious mind and hypnotherapy will give you the extra motivation you need to accomplish great things in your life and to be a success!

Achieve A New Positive Attitude
Power Your Mind with Hypnosis for a A New Positive Attitude
Attitude is everything when you think about it. If you think back about things which you have accomplished in your life, you will realize that everything began with your attitude.

On some level you believed in yourself and that gave you the power, strength, and momentum to achieve whatever it was you achieved. Whether it was graduating college, getting a PhD, expressing your feelings for another, finishing a painting project, whatever it was, it began with a positive attitude that you could do it. So attitude is very important when it comes to accomplishing things.

Attitude is also very important when it comes to interacting with others. First impressions are made within a few minutes or even a few seconds of meeting someone. They size you up, they evaluate you, they assertion whether or now they think you are appropriate for a certain position, a relationship, etc.

The majority of this evaluation process has to do with attitude. If you are appropriate for a certain position and you feel that you are appropriate for that position, your attitude will show it and the other person will be able to pick up on this.

If however, you have a negative attitude or a mediocre attitude that will show as well. This greatly hinders your chances of success in that particular endeavor.

By using hypnotherapy to improve your attitude to the point of having a positive attitude in every situation, you will find that all areas of your life improve: your relationships, your feelings of self-esteem, your feelings of worth, your feelings of contributing appropriately to man kinds.

Everything will open up for you once your attitude changes. If you feel stuck or out of control this is greatly dependent upon your attitude.

Sometimes when people feel stuck, they realize that their attitude is not appropriate for advancement out of the quick sand they find themselves in.

However, they also lack the necessary tools to improve their attitude. So on the one hand they realize that their attitude is working against them on the other hand they do nothing to improve their attitude and so their situation worsens. Their attitude begins to feed on other people who have a negative attitude and the "I can't do it" syndrome is very contagious and very popular.

Often times, when I work with groups of professionals in businesses I find that there is a daily gathering of the people with a negative attitude.

The purpose of this gathering is to simply reinforce among them the idea that life is not good and it's the same s*** different day. As they talk to each other, they actually begin to feel better about feeling worse. So this reinforces the idea that a negative attitude is ok.

Well, a negative is ok if you want to live a life of being highly ineffective, of never achieving your goals, and feeling terrible about yourself. You certainly have this right and I would certainly never want to take this right or any other right from you.

However, it is my understanding that perhaps you see a much greater life for yourself: a life in which you are fulfilled living life on your terms, an adventurous life, a life in which you have tapped into your inner strength.

It is my understanding that you are one of those rare people who deep down inside really believes in yourself and that the negative attitude you’ve had in the recent days, months, or years is not really you.

It is a symptom of both your environment and the fact that you have allowed negative thinking to compound itself into a downhill rolling snowball which gets bigger and worse every day.

It is my understanding that you see for yourself a greater life: a life not free or problems because that would be fantasy, but a life in which you are actually doing things which you want to do and doing them because of your positive attitude. Having the education you want, having the job you want, having the job you want, having the relationship you want, and it all begins with you and your attitude.

Once you begin to think like a winner you are a winner. Instead of waiting for the evidence that you're good enough, that you're lovable, etc. why not simply choose to believe it now? The only difference between where you are now and where you want to be is in your head.

Winners win because they expect to win. When you begin to expect to win, that is when you will start winning.

Don't expect to win first and then have enough evidence that you are a winner. Believe it first, make it your reality, and then you will be able to stockpile evidence daily because once you think like a winner with a positive attitude you will produce evidence of being a winner with a new positive attitude.

Attitude is in your mind. And sometimes it takes hypnosis to change that attitude from one that is negative to a more positive way of thinking. When hypnosis is used to change your attitude, it can open the door to a more productive, happier life.

The process of hypnosis works so well with attitude adjustments because often the only obstacle to a good attitude is a cluttered mind. Hypnosis helps organize and change the focus of thoughts that are turned into a positive attitude. This then becomes the foundation for greater productivity, happiness, and even inner peace.

Hypnosis starts by helping you relax. It is most effective when you can completely shut out other stimuli in the room. The best time is usually right before going to sleep at night when the room can be quiet and dark and you are able to completely relax as if you are drifting off to sleep. Once this relaxed state is reached, then hypnosis can offer a new way off thinking by suggesting to the receptive mind a new way of seeing things. This means a new, more positive attitude.

Hypnosis does not change who you are or alter your personality in any way you do not want. When you have the desire to be a more positive person, hypnosis uses your strengths and turns those into tool that can help you make the changes you want.

Clinical Hypnotherapist, Steve G. Jones, has created a self hypnosis program called, Power Your Mind to Achieve A New Positive Attitude. In just a few weeks you can be on your way to seeing life in a whole new light through hypnosis.

Here is a sample of the script used in this recording:

Positive Attitude

And now you imagine yourself. You imagine looking at yourself in a mirror and you begin to notice the positive aspects about yourself. Things you had not noticed before. That look you have, that determined look. Determined to make your life a positive experience. Determined to accomplish all the goals which you decide are worthy. Determined to be the best you can be. Now you notice other things about yourself, other good, positive things about yourself. Realizing what a wonderful, amazing and fully realized person you are becoming. This gives you a sense of calm, a sense of peace, a sense of satisfaction, a sense of moving forward higher and higher. Accomplishing more and more. Becoming more and more confident and positive in your thinking. You no longer have time for negative thoughts or feelings. You are moving forward in life, reaching your goals, striving higher and higher, becoming more and more in tune with your true, positive self. You realize that your true nature is your positive self. That part of you which realizes it can accomplish anything it chooses. So continue looking at yourself and realizing what an amazing person you are. You are absolutely amazing. You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are attractive. People are interested in what you have to say. People are very interested in what you have to say. Your mind is at peace, at peace, calm, relaxed and so comfortable, so relaxed, so relaxed. Your breathing is now easy and gentle. You can feel yourself relaxing more and more. Your mind is calm. And starting now you can begin a new life, ready to live in a new way to enjoy every aspect of everything around you, to be aware of all the beauty of the earth, the beauty and the goodness of being alive. To feel so aware that you are conscious and aware and able to think and feel and smell and taste and love and experience, to be fully alive more and more everyday. As you feel this calm, relaxed mind enjoying more and more starting now. Starting now you will be able to flow with everything around you so much better, more and more all the time, just flowing, experiencing, not hung up, not bothered, just enjoying the calm, relaxed mind, able to face life with its problems in a relaxed way, flowing with the problems, doing your best to be able to move with them and not be bothered.

Other information on A New Positive Attitude Self-Hypnosis CD:

You have heard it before: "Attitude is everything." Your attitude is shaped by your thoughts and feelings and in return your attitude can also shape your thoughts and feelings. It is an endless cycle. This is why it is so important for you to have a positive attitude, because a positive attitude will bring about positive thoughts and positive emotions. A positive attitude is empowering!

Hypnotherapy will help you change your attitude to a positive one. Changing your thoughts and emotions is no easy task, but with hypnotherapy it becomes easier. Self-hypnosis is the best way to turn a negative attitude into a positive one!

A positive attitude can change your entire life. It can make you happier and more relaxed. It can help take stress away from your life. You will enjoy your new outlook on life. A New Positive Attitude hypnosis recording will change your life for the better. Living a positive life means living a happier and healthier life. You can make great changes with the help of hypnosis. This powerful hypnosis session will create a new positive attitude in you!

Low self esteem can develop in many ways. Hypnosis gets to the route of the cause and can help develop new ideas and dialogs about how you view yourself. This is true no matter what kind of upbringing a person had or what type of events have happened in their life to harm their self esteem.

Self esteem is defined as a person’s view of them self. It is often not based on reality but only on how the person appraises him or herself. They may have thoughts that they are not attractive enough or smart enough. It can be very general in that they feel they are just not “good” enough. It also can be targeted to a specific trait they don’t see that they have but want to have, such not being able to recognize that they have a talent singing when they do in fact sing well.

Self esteem can also translate into behaviors and emotions based on this self perception. It can make a person shy and quiet if they have low self esteem. Both the negative thoughts and personality traits that develop from them can be changed with hypnotherapy. Hypnosis can actually replace the internal dialog a person with low self esteem plays in their mind with a more positive script.

To allow hypnosis to replace one dialog with another, the person is first led into a completely relaxed state. This is the type of deep relaxation that takes place prior to falling asleep. Once this is achieved, then messages of self-worth and positive reinforcement can be introduced. Since it is the subconscious mind that holds the negative thoughts leading to low self esteem, the subconscious mind is cleansed of these thoughts and filled with the positive message. Steve G. Jones, a clinical hypnotherapist, expertly accomplishes this in his self hypnosis program called, “Overcome Low Self Esteem.”

Here is a sample of the script used in this recording:


And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper and more deeply relaxed, I would like you now to realize just how powerful you are. You are a very powerful, amazing, wonderful person. I would like you now to imagine yourself in a reflection in a mirror. You are standing in front of a mirror, looking at your reflection. Take a good look. Notice how amazing you are. Notice how attractive you are. You are very attractive. Day by day you will begin to notice these things more and more. Look how smart and intelligent you look. You’re a very smart, very intelligent, very attractive person. Look at yourself now in that mirror and notice these things, these things are very obvious to you and everyone around you, everyone in your life, everyone you know, everyone you will know. They will all notice these things, your attractiveness, how smart you are and how intelligent you are. You are a wonderful, positive, beautiful person. I would like you now to imagine three things about you which make you unique and wonderful, three things. Perhaps it’s how kind you are, how big-hearted you are. Perhaps it’s your perseverance, your creativity. Just three things about you that make you wonderful and unique. It’s easy for you to think of these things now and each time you listen to this recording, perhaps you can think of three new things that make you wonderful and unique. I want you to know that these things are not a secret, they are known to everyone. How wonderful you are is well-known. The next time you talk to someone, understand that they are seeing those wonderful qualities in you. Clearly and easily because your wonderful qualities shine through in your conversation, in what you do, and in who you are. Take a deep breath in now, and breathe in that sense of confidence that comes with being a wonderful person. And as you exhale slowly, let go of any negative thoughts, they are no longer a part of you. And continue breathing easily, effortlessly, and comfortably. Day by day your self-esteem is improving. You realize that you are a very powerful, wonderful, amazing, beautiful, intelligent, smart person. And you have so many other qualities in addition to these qualities. In fact, the wonderful qualities you have are limitless. You have an infinite number of wonderful qualities. Day by day you will realize them and this will help you feel good about yourself. Full of a powerful sense of love for yourself. And you use this energy in the most productive way. You are kind to others and you are kind to yourself. You respect yourself. So you avoid situations which do not honor you because you deserve honor and respect. So you only put yourself in situations which honor you and you avoid negative situations. And this enhances your wonderful self esteem even further because every day you look for something you can do for yourself, something wonderful that you can do for yourself and you do it. Something that shows you how wonderful you are. You do this for yourself because you honor and respect yourself and you treat yourself right. You eat properly, you exercise properly, you have fun, you enjoy life. You do all of these things because you respect yourself. You allow yourself to engage in all of these positive, wonderful activities because you respect yourself. You have a wonderful, powerful sense of self-esteem. You are a wonderful, amazing person.

Other information on Overcome Low Self-Esteem Self-Hypnosis CD:

Your self-esteem started growing when you were a very young child. Through the years, your life experiences have come to shape your self-esteem. If you have low self-esteem, then it is important for you to work on your confidence levels and give yourself a boost in self-esteem.

Hypnosis is a great tool to use to overcome low self-esteem. Hypnotherapy targets your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and past experiences that shape your current self-esteem. You deserve to live a life with full confidence in yourself. This powerful self-hypnosis session will give you the boost in self-esteem that you need, want, and deserve.

We suggest you listen to the Overcome Low Self-Esteem hypnosis recording for 21 nights in a row before going to sleep each night. You will hear the relaxing voice of Steve G. Jones help you relax and put your mind at ease. You will slowly go deeper into a state of relaxation, known as hypnosis. Then your subconscious mind will hear powerful suggestions that will help you overcome low self-esteem.

Master Charisma
Power Your Mind to become Charismatic naturally
with Hypnosis
We all know someone who is charismatic. They are always full of confidence. They have a lot of friends and they make new friends easily. I have a friend who is able to strike up conversation with anyone. And it seems that within a few minutes, they’re great friends and they exchange phone numbers.

People with charisma are people attractors. They tend to have indefinable traits that charm the people around them. They always possess confidence. And they often possess concentration, assertiveness, and calmness.

The great thing about charisma is that it can be learned. People in the media spotlight are often charismatic. Some people naturally have it, but some have learned it. People such as politicians, movie stars, public speakers, and TV personalities all possess charisma. If you would like to become more charismatic, I encourage you to build your confidence and learn to be assertive in a non-confrontational way.

Here is a sample of the script used in this recording:


And as you relax you can see in front of you is a hallway, in your mind. And as you look down the hallway you can see a door. That door is a door to a room of your own choosing in which you will feel safe and comfortable. As you come closer to the end of the hallway, you can see the door more clearly. This door will keep out all of the negative messages, all the negative words, all the negative behaviors you have perceived from your world as a child which made you feel bad about yourself. There is no room here for such negative messages. I would like you to look at the door very carefully, even the doorknob and understand that this is a room of your own choosing in which you will feel safe and comfortable. Early positive messages and experiences enter, but all negative messages must stay outside. And now I want you to open that door and then walk in and close the door behind you and look around the room, this safe room, this safe room that you can visit anytime you choose by just closing your eyes. Look around and enjoy what you see here. I would like you now to sit or lie down some place in this safe room, wherever you will be comfortable and listen carefully to everything I say to you. There is a life energy inside of you. It is unique to you. It is your life energy, not anyone else’s. It is the energy from whence you came. Life energy only has one purpose and that is to help you to reach your potential as an individual. It is protective. It is healing. And since it is healing and protective, it is therefore loving. I want you to experience that life energy of yours by feeling a light above your head. A light from which issues a warm stream of energy, a warm stream of energy and this energy surrounds you like an imaginary cocoon, soft and pliable and it lets you move around within it, yet it protects you like a cocoon. Feel that life energy also penetrating every cell of your body, surrounding you, penetrating every cell of your body. This is your life energy. This is the energy from which you will drive your charisma. Your charisma accomplishes two purposes. Your charisma protects you from negativity and it draws others to you, that’s right. The life energy from which your charisma is derived represents your true self, your natural self, your essence. It belongs to no one but you. It is protective, it is healing, and there for loving. Within that life energy are no negative messages, it is free from negative messages. Negative messages cease to exist here. Feel the protective, positive life energy coursing through every cell of your body now, surrounding and protecting you and realize that from this energy you can draw your charisma. You can pull it out from this energy. Imagine now your charisma coming from this energy. You can make it any color you want. Give it a color. Give it a form, that’s right. Realize that it can change forms. Perhaps sometimes it is a sword from which you cut right to the heart of all social matters drawing attention to yourself, attention that you deserve positive attention. Perhaps sometimes it is a shield protecting you from negative people and their words. Perhaps sometimes it is a racecar, fast, swift, it knows its destination. It knows how to get there and it acts as a vehicle to take you there. Your life energy has sometimes been expressed within you. Perhaps as a still inner voice and many of us ignore that voice when we hear our own life energy talking, words of wisdom inside us, that we don’t always listen to. Those words are really there to protect us. That still inner voice is a nurturing part of you and that nurturing part is an entity, it exists because it is a kind of spokesperson. A spokesperson for that energy, for that healing powerful energy, for that essence which is you. That nurturing part of you is capable of healing both mind and body. It is capable of helping and healing those parts of you that are unhappy, that don’t feel good about themselves. It is possible for that nurturing self to seek out other parts of you that are not happy and help them, help them become happier, help them become more worthwhile in their own eyes and most importantly, to help them feel loved from inside not the outside world. And to help this process, it is worthwhile for you to think about that nurturing part within you and perhaps to visualize that process going on. Do this as you go about your daily business. Visualize the process of that nurturing part helping out those parts of you that are not so happy inside in a way that comes naturally to you. In your minds eye and as you continue to do this, think about the nurturing part and you will stimulate that aspect of you and it will become stronger within you because in order to have charisma that you derive from your life energy, you must make sure that all part of you are happy and have been attended to. This process will become easier and easier for you. By approaching this process in this way, you make sure that the charisma you project to the outside world is an honest and is a stable, lasting energy. A very honest, stable, and lasting energy. An energy that is more than skin deep, an energy that comes from your core, from the very core of your being, from the core of who and what you are. By doing this healing process on a regular basis, you will ensure that when you project your charisma from your life energy, it is rock solid through and through and unstoppable. So as your healing progresses you will come to feel better about yourself, stronger, more self-confident, and therefore happier and when you feel happier and better about yourself, the world will respond to you in a more positive way. So imagine yourself now in a social situation in which you want to use your charisma. You imagine it taking a shape, taking a shape from your life energy, your life energy gives it a shape, that’s right. Anything you choose. And now you will use that energy in the form you have chosen, see yourself using your energy, using your charisma which is derived from your life energy, that’s right. See yourself influencing people. See yourself getting what you want. See yourself standing tall and firm, that’s right. Regardless of your height, regardless of your weight, you stand tall and firm, that’s right. It’s as if you tower above everybody else where you are because your charisma is so powerful it allows you to do this. And day by day you will become better and better at using your charisma at choosing a shape for it, whether offensively or defensively and then putting that shape to good use and this will become easier and easier for you day by day. So I want you to practice everyday at least for the next few weeks, taking your life energy, choosing a shape for it, and then using that charisma in that shape. And with practice and diligence and belief in yourself, very soon charisma will be automatic for you. There will be no need to think about it, no need to form the shape. It will just be automatic. You will automatically have what you need offensively or defensively, or both in every situation always for the rest of your life. So congratulations on your powerful choice to tap into your life power and use your true charisma.

Other information on Charisma Hypnosis CD:

Charisma is a characteristic that we all want to possess. Whether during social interactions or at work, having charisma can come in handy. Having charisma is having the ability to promote yourself in a way that makes you likeable. Charismatic people are magnetic and tend to attract people to them. Charisma is especially important to have while networking, interviewing, and negotiating. If you want to change the way others see you, then you need this self-hypnosis recording!

Charisma takes confidence, the art of conversation, and tact and puts it into one characteristic. With charisma, people will like you, respect you, and want to be around you. The Charisma Hypnosis CD trains your subconscious mind to become a charismatic person. Listening to the hypnotherapy session every night for 21 nights in a row will give you the skills you need to become that magnetic person in the room!

No longer will you be the one who seems out of the loop during a conversation. No longer will you be too shy to share your opinion. No longer will you be too scared to exert yourself. This positive and life-changing hypnotherapy program will give you the charisma you have been wanting in your life. You will see dramatic changes in the way people react to you. They will be drawn to your presence and will respect what you have to say.

This powerful Charisma Hypnosis recording will help you achieve the charisma you have always wanted. Within 21 nights of listening to this recording, you can be that magnet person who everyone wants to be. You will become confident in yourself and how you carry yourself around others. People will look up to you and respect you. Hypnotherapy will make charisma possible for you!