This listing is for ONE (1) Genuine Raw ALUMINUM pen blank to fit the Celtic ballpoint pen, as pictured in the photos. (Pen kit NOT INCLUDED) This blank has been drilled; a 3/8” brass tube glued in and faced off in a metal lathe to the proper length. Then it has been placed on a mandrel with bushings, like you would an acrylic blank. Then the mandrel is placed in a metal lathe and the blanks diameter is machined to size. From this point you will need to sand the finish the blank. I start with 220 grit metal working sandpaper (dry sanding with lathe running) until all the machine marks have been sanded out. To check for this shut the lathe off and sand the blank length from side to side. Any circular grooves will show up there. Repeat this process until it comes up fairly smooth. Then drop down to 400 grit and repeat the process. Then drop down to a finer grit and then off to the Micro-Mesh until you have the finish you desire. Then I use a metal polish to clean and give a shine. This usually takes a half hour to forty five minutes to finish the blank.  Then assemble the pen. The Celtic pen kit is available in Antique Brass, Antique Pewter, Antique Copper, 24ct. Gold. BUT this listing is for the blank only; the kit is not included but is available from PSI and others.  This pen body is very unique and not like the standard pen blanks that you buy. This pen body has no lacquer, sealer, or acrylic covering. This pen will Patina (Darken or Age) as raw Aluminum will. It take on an antique look as it ages, or you could apply a clear coat.  /  Blank #911

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Cyber Pen Sales