The Discovery Game For A Married Couple

Board Game- A Great Date In A Box

BRAND New in Shrink Wrap

The discovery Game was intentionally designed to meet a marriage where the marriage is, from the very vibrant marriage, to one that is on the rocks.
The Discovery Game is recommended by:
  • Focus on the Family
  • The American Association of Christian Counselors and
  • Shaunti Feldhahn, the best selling Christian author of several books including For Women Only
    The game creates an atmosphere of exhilaration, where a couple can experience something similar to those initial "falling in love" feelings. During this process, true intimacy is developed and deepened. The discovery Game is effective for the newlywed, the empty nester and everyone in between. From couples that are very close, to those who are struggling, all can expect a deeper more intimate relationship with his or her spouse, and all can expect to have a great deal of fun!The thing that makes the game special is the same thing that makes the date special, it’s the couple playing. The discovery game simply provides the environment and the parameters necessary for that great date to take place. Whether your marriage is going along great, falling apart, or anywhere in between, you owe it to yourself and to your marriage to play!

    Some Of Your Greatest Moments Are In This Box!

    Also included with the game is The discovery Game booklet, designed to take a couple to the next step in intimacy beyond the game. The booklet is incredibly insightful, written in a no-nonsense manner and packed with references for support and further study. Many great marriage resources are already available, most in book form.  It is difficult to find time to read a 200 to 300 page book. It is often even more difficult for both the husband and the wife to find the time, and if optimum effectiveness is to be achieved from any marriage resource, both will want to take in the information.

    Not including the reference section, the booklet is only 22 pages; with those pages being half the size of the standard 8.5x11 letter size sheet of paper. We highly encourage you to dig in to those in depth resources; but here we offer you a very easy way to get started on a journey that can take you to a whole new level of understanding and intimacy. In fact, The discovery Game booklet was specifically designed for a married couple to read aloud together.

    The discovery Game booklet is also included in a highly interactive digital form (software). The digital version has reference pop-ups, lots of links. Audio and video for the digital booklet will soon be available as a free downloadable update.