5 lbs. El Salvador SHG EP Santa Ana Natural H/P Reserva  Light Roast Coffee Beans, Unique Flavor!

Fresh Roasted Daily and Shipped in the Afternoon...Always Current Crops!

This coffee has a unique flavor with fruit nuances, chocolate body...a nice distinct flavor.


The soil, rich with volcanic ash, gives this coffee a smooth distinct body.

Nice mellow brightness and a very sweet tropical fruit note at the start moving into a creamy milk chocolate body with a hint of mild cherry. 

Hints of berry and honey throughout with a wonderful milk chocolate taste that is evident in freshly roasted coffee...yum, a very satisfying coffee treat!

The beauty of this cup really comes out well with the Pulped Natural (PN, honey processed) process with hints of berry and honey throughout...very nice.

Fresh Roasted Each Morning & Shipped in the Afternoon! Cup Characteristics: Sweet, mild cherry and creamy, luscious milk chocolate flavor nuances makes this coffee a satisfying cup!


One of our favorites is the El Salvador, Pulped Natural or “Honey” coffee beans. The Pulped Natural Process is becoming more popular in Central America for the sweet fruit note it imparts to the cup. The beauty of this cup really comes out well with the Pulped Natural (PN, honey processed) process: you get the even roast of a wet process with the fermented darker fruit notes of a dry process. Beans are grown under variety of shade trees in ideal setting for tree maturation--constant breezes, full sunshine and relatively cool, dry nights. What sets this coffee apart is the processing. To create pulped natural, as opposed to fully washed coffees, the coffee cherry skin is removed, but instead of the sticky mucilage underneath being washed off, the beans with mucilage intact goes directly to the drying patios and is dried, raked, dried some more. This is very labor intensive as the constant raking and turning of the sticky parchment is essential. What this lends to the coffee is a brighter and sweeter finish. When all the steps are preformed correctly the results are a slight increase in sweetness, body and aromatics traditionally found in natural processed coffee, and a milder acidity than we usually find in most washed coffees.

Did you know???

Ground roasted beans lose their optimal flavor in about 2 days? Whole roasted beans lose their optimal flavor in about 2-3 weeks. If your coffee wasn't roasted just before you purchased it, chances are, it isn't fresh. The difference in flavor between fresh coffee and stale coffee is not subtle. Did you know that without fresh coffee, your espresso machine will have a hard time producing that thick crème you are trying so hard to achieve? Drip, French Press, Vacuum or espresso - every brewing method will produce better results with fresh coffee. Or try purchasing our carefully selected green beans and roast at home. Roasting and/or brewing instructions included with product. Ground coffee available upon request at NO extra charge...contact merchant.

Recommended Roasting Profiles: City to Full City + (Light/Medium to Medium Dark) to capture the best flavor nuances.