Product Description

  • Made in Yorkshire
  • Great Quality
  • Quick and easy
  • No fuss, No mess, No waste
  • Makes approximately 35 meals per pack based on average medium sized dogs
  • Valuable extra for raw fed dogs

SmartBarf™ is a 100% natural source of minerals, vitamins and nutrients from over 50 different seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, vegetables, pulses and herbs. All the ingredients are carefully selected for maximum nutritional benefit, to create a healthy balanced diet for your dog.

SmartBarf™ is already mixed and packaged, and has a long shelf life, all for your convenience and to save you time and money. Just add water and serve with meat.

Nutritional composition

Protein 16.5g, Oils and Fats 18.9g, Ash 5.8g, Moisture 10.2g, Fibre 17.9g
Energy 326kcal per 100gr.


  • 40% Herbs, Vegetables and Seaweed (leafy greens, root crops, Mediterranean herbs, seaweed)
  • 40% Seeds and Nuts (meadow seeds, vegetable seeds, herb seeds, tropical and woodland nuts)
  • 10% Fruits and Berries (orchard, Mediterranean, tropical and hedgerow)
  • 10% Pulses (10 different beans)
  • For Full List please bottom of description

How to use

2 – 5kg dogs:
0.5-1.5 teaspoons per day (100-250 daily portions per bag)

5 – 10kg dogs:
2-2.5 teaspoons per day (50-80 daily portions per bag)

10 – 20kg dogs:
1-2 tablespoons per day (25-50 daily portions per bag)

20 – 35 kg dogs:
2.5-3.5 tablespoons per day (15-20 daily portions per bag)

35 kg and over dogs:
4-9 tablespoons per day (6-12 daily portions per bag)

How to keep

While SmartBarf can be stirred into a suitable pet mince as a dry mix, it is better to rehydrate it first, by adding hot water and allowing it to cool before stirring it into the mince. Rehydrated SmartBarf can be stored in a fridge for up to 7 days, or frozen.

Ingredients In full

Seeds (20%): Buckwheat, Evening Primrose, Hemp, Linseed, Milk Thistle, Niger, Poppy, Pumpkin, Safflower, Sesame, Sunflower Hearts

Root Vegetables (15%): Beetroot, Carrots

Leafy Greens (14%): Cabbage, Spinach

Nuts (12%): Almonds, Brazils, Cashews, Coconut, Hazels, Peanuts, Walnuts

Beans (10%): Aduki Beans, Black Turtle Beans, Chickpeas, Haricot Beans, Locust Bean Pods, Mung Beans, Peas, Pinto Beans

Herbs (6%): Basil, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Oregano, Sage, Spearmint, Thyme

Wild Seeds (5%): Clover, Meadow Flowers

Hedgerow Berries (5%): Elderberries, Hawthorn, Juniper, Rosehips

Other Vegetables (3%): Asparagus, Broccoli, Tomato

Spices (3%): Aniseed, Black Pepper, Caraway, Fennel

Tropical Fruits (3%): Banana, Dates, Goji, Papaya

Seaweed (2%)

Orchard Fruits (1%): Apple, Pear, Plum

Mediterranean Fruits (1%): Apricot, Peaches

SmartBarf gets great reviews!

SmartBarf helps my assistance dog

I was recommended SmartBarf by my dog trainer. I have an assistance dog with severe allergies and he was put on the raw food diet by my holistic vet 4 years ago, it changed my dogs life as a working dog he needed to be alert something he couldn't be with sore itchy skin. As a disabled person I found it so difficult buying and then liquidising a range of veg every week and freezing them, SmartBarf was a prayer answered, no way could I include all the good quality ingredients that SmartBarf has in each bag or balance it as well. Even if I wasn't disabled I would use this product as I know it's the best on the market, it's great value and my dog is fit healthy his skin is no longer sore and itching and he works every day for me so well, I couldn't manage without my assistance dog or SmartBarf.


No More Pricey Supplements!

Having 3 large dogs – I was struggling to keep up with the preparation of vegetables, also I was using numerous herb supplements that were proving very costly. Before I learned of SmartBarf I was trying to source everything myself, but once again struggling on how much to give and when. I’m very pleased to have found SmartBarf as it seems a perfect and well needed solution to the DIY raw feeder.


A Great Product

We have two collie cross dogs adopted from a rescue site. We have been feeding our dogs bones and raw food, since they were under a year old and after attending a session presented by a vet on the benefits of feeding BARF in preference to a diet of prepared food or kibble. The meat and bones element of the diet was easy to provide but adding the right mix of vegetables and vitamins was a challenge that proved difficult.

We discovered SMART Barf a couple of years ago and have been using it mixed in with the raw meat every day since. It makes feeding the dogs a balanced diet so easy and we can be confident they are getting the nutrients they need. Their energy and effervescence is testimony to the feeding regime. One of the dogs used to eat faeces but stopped this habit as soon as SMART Barf was introduced into their diet. Thank you for a great product.


Time and Effort Saver

The long and short of it is that SmartBarf saves me a awful lot of time and effort, and probably money by providing the vegetable side of the BARF diet. .



I could not possibly have had the time to source all the ingredients plus all that is required to make it palatable for my dog. Smartbarf along with raw meat/fish diet has changed my dog completely. He now has energy, stamina and an increased appetite which the latter is a bit of a negative as it does cost more but the change is worth it. Have given the Smartbarf information to the vet, who, having looked at the bag and ingredients seemed quite impressed.


Getting the Required Vitamins and Minerals Every Day

Our dog Dexter (an 8 month old Dobermann who has always been given the BARF diet) seems to really like it. In the morning he always gets some form of mince and its nice to mix it in with the mince with a little extra water to give the mince a slightly less solid consistency. We still give Dex fruit and veg but at least I know he is getting the required vitamins and minerals every day. I have got to admit that I quite like the smell of it – am almost tempted to try it in a soup!!


Bowled Over

I am bowled over by this product, what a find! Feeding my dog a raw diet was a huge revelation and I would never go back. The only aspect that can be inconvenient and a little concerning is making sure my dog gets all the necessary vitamins, minerals and so on without the time-consuming hunt for all the right ingredients and supplements and using them in the right proportions and so on. So when I discovered SmartBarf all of those problems and worries were solved.
