Disasters have grabbed the human imagination since antiquity. Whether for heroism or arrogance, folly or fate, these tales show the best and worst of humanity when faced with extreme danger.

This book introduces seven events of tremendous importance, yet while some have risen to legendary proportions – cloaked by myth and error – others have become all but forgotten despite their shocking details.

All are a warning from history:

The two ‘unsinkable’ ships

Britain’s deadliest railway error

The torpedo that changed warfare

An engineering nightmare

The darkest day on the Thames

The English Hindenburg

Dr Rudi Newman has a long-standing passion for all things historical, particularly in his specialist field of transportation.

Having previously researched various maritime themes, his PhD centred on Victorian railways and their early impacts.

A collector of transportation ephemera supporting his historical research, he has assisted with museums and exhibitions on a range of related subject matters and has presented numerous lectures and articles on transportation themes.

Currently the Honorary Secretary of the British Titanic Society, he has also acted as an advisor for several media interviews and documentaries.

Imprint: PiXZ. ISBN 978 0 85710 109 9, hardback, 210x148mm, 144 pages. Published June 2017.