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   RBC 61167


The Tractor Drivers


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DVD Region: ALL
Theatrical release: 1939
DVD release: 2017
Play time: 88 min.
Sound format(s): Dolby Digital 2.0
Language(s): Russian
Subtitles: English
Format: Black & White
Genre(s): Comedy, Drama, Melodrama

Three friends, a Russian, a Ukrainian, and a Georgian, returning home from fighting the Japanese, share fellowship and their plans for the future. The theme song accompanying the credits was a very popular hit.


""Traktoristy" (Tractor-drivers) is a strange movie from classic Soviet director Ivan Pyriev. On one hand, it is a pure stalinist propaganda of the workers class, and like hundreds of other period movie of that time (the movie was set in 1939), and it sure did mean to prepare people for the upcoming war and raise the fighting spirit of the nation. On the other hand, if one can abstract from the propagandistic nature of the film, it is possible to see the powerful cinematographic side of it.

Over-the-edge performances, fast soc-realistic camera work, sincere pathos of the heroes - it has everything for which Eisenstein's films are famous. And it isn't a coincidence, as Pyriev started his career under the wing of the maître. Interestingly, the movie was re-edited during the Khruschev's dethronement of Stalin's cult as it appeared to be too pro-stalinist (which is absolute truth). Only recently there has been re-edition of the original in Russia. Seeing the film, we see the expression of Soviet mythology. In this sense it is a really scary film, because nothing is real. It can be somehow compared to the images of war heroes and usual people painted on ancient vases - it's an idealized image of life. This movie's antonym in cinema history is Waida's "Man of marble", which helps to understand the rise and fall of communist mythology in retrospective. Probably having more interest for cinematography students than for average viewers, Ivan Pyriev's "Traktoristy" still remains forgotten classic of soc-realism".

Ivan Pyr'ev

Dmitrij Pokras, Daniil Pokras

Nikolaj Kryuchkov, Boris Andreev, Petr Alejnikov, Stepan Kayukov, Vladimir Kolchin, Marina Ladygina, Ol'ga Borovikova, Aleksey Dolinin

Середина 30-х годов. Демобилизованный танкист-дальневосточник Клим Ярко возвращается в украинский колхоз, где живет давно полюбившаяся ему Марьяна Бажан. Но Марьяна — уже прославленная трактористка района и у нее много поклонников, от которых она мечтает избавиться, выдумав любовь к силачу и лодырю Назару. В сложную ситуацию попадает простодушный Клим, но, в конце концов, искренностью и трудолюбием завоевывает симпатии всего колхоза и любовь знаменитой Марьяны.

Одна из популярнейших советских комедий. В основе сюжета - любовь демобилизованного воина, отличного парня Клима Ярко к знаменитой трактористке Марьяне Бажан. Не так-то просто завоевать сердце гордой дивчины...

Знаменитые песни из фильма, написанные Дмитрием и Даниилом Покрасс, знают и поют до сих пор.

Иван Пырьев

Дмитрий Покрас, Даниил Покрас

В ролях:
Николай Крючков, Борис Андреев, Петр Алейников, Степан Каюков, Владимир Колчин, Марина Ладыгина, Ольга Боровикова, Алексей Долинин

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