Genuine / Official
Panini - World Cup Russia 2018 (individual) Album Sticker product:

select the "sticker" you need.

from the drop down menu (New - fresh straight from packet)

Log-in at
using "add to basket" if selecting more than one item throughout my shop (to qualify for any promotional discounts (if stated) and/ combined shipping costs) during checkout in one transaction.

in order to add several items, it may only work on PC / Laptop or tablet, not sure if it work on mobile.

NOTE to buyer
- "sticker number" is NOT the quantity of the stickers, but a single individual sticker.
- Sticker Album book is NOT included.

. regarding posting/shipping using STANDARD Serivce DOES NOT HAVE TRACKING NUMBER/REFFERENCE.
. for your order to be able to be tracked online, please opt for service that contains either SIGNED / TRACKED.

if you have any question, please message me first via ebay before purchasing.

Thank you for checking :)
and please feel free to check out my other items listed for sale.