How to Make a Pivot Polisher and Micro Drilling Attachment for the Small Lathe

How to Make a Pivot Polisher and Micro Drilling Attachment for the Small Lathe is packed with over 30 pictures and several line drawings to show you how to make a simple, but effective, polishing and m,micro drilling attachment for your lathe. You are also shown how to make the laps and small drills. Polishing pivots reduces friction and increases the efficiency of a watch or clock gear train.

Slide rest mounted pivot polishers are difficult to find, and are expensive when you can find them. This simple and easy0toi-make attachment offers the watch and clock maker, model maker, and other highly skilled artisans a way to grind and polish pivots, as well as a means to drill work in the small lathe.

Format Paperback
Author Robert Porter, CMW
Publisher Robert D. Porter, 2008
Pages 24 pages
Price Guide None
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