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Art work. Conserving and restoring contemporary art. Ediz. a colori

Autore: Villafranca di Soissons I. (cur.)

Titolo: Art work. Conserving and restoring contemporary art. Ediz. a colori

Editore: Marsilio

Pagine: 299

Ean: 9788831729451

ATTENZIONE in rari casi l'immagine del prodotto potrebbe differire da quella riportata nell'inserzione


To speak of restoration in relation to contemporary works seems an oxymoron. It is commonly thought that the art produced in our time is still too recent to face problems of conservation, whereas the perishable nature of the materials employed (something that has often been underestimated but was sometimes actually sought by the artists) sets fascinating challenges. Mass-produced objects, bread, beans, blood, dung, human excrement, garbage, seeds, leaves, gears in movement, lights and scents are just some of the materials that a restorer of contemporary art has to deal with: they wear out, grow rusty or moldy, fade, ferment, become infested by insects, stall, dry out... Each work - and consequently each intervention - is unique and unrepeatable.


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