These prints are the artwork's original physical form, NOT reproductions. This art work was created digitally, through painting by hand with an electronic pen on a digital drawing tablet, directly onto a computer. The process of creating an art image digitally restricts the physical presentation of the artwork to printed form. So like wood blocks, etchings, screen printing and photography, it is not possible to have any other physical representation. Each print comes with a signed certificate of Authenticity directly from the artist along with a written artist statement about the image that you are purchasing, a brief bio and an information sheet about how to care for artwork on paper.

Printed on high quality 240gm 100% cotton, acid-free, archival, fine art paper. A4 size (approx 11.5 x 8 inch = 29.7x21cm). Includes a signed certificate of authenticity which incorporates an artist statement, a brief artist's bio and an information sheet about how to care for art on paper. The artwork will be posted flat, sandwiched between thick cardboard so that it will NOT be rolled or creased.

View our eBay information guide about how to care for and preserve artwork on paper!

Di holds an Art Certificate (College of TAFE 2 years full time) & a Bachelors Degree in Visual Arts (University 3 years full time) and has been a practicing artist for over 25 years. Her former employment includes Artist-In-Residence and Private Art Tutor for a community center and an Art Teacher for a children's resource unit. Currently self employed creating original contemporary fine art prints.

If you have questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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 Images and text are subject to international copyright law and remains the property of  DA Mathews at all times.