The Feather Wood Handle Stainless Double Edge Razor is beautifully designed!
With a luxurious wood and stainless steel combination,

this is our most sophisticated double edge razor! It comes with a sturdy wood
and stainless steel stand and 5 Hi-Stainless Feather Double Edge Blades.

With the help of modern technology, Feather double-edge razors offer greater control
and provide a closer shave than multi-blade cartridge razors.
In fact, they are the next best thing to a straight razor shave.

They can even save you money in the long term as double edge blades are more affordable than cartridge replacements.

When you're finished shaving, sit the razor proudly on the stainless steel stand. It's beauty is one to be reckoned with!

The razor is beautifully designed and the weight and feel of the razor in your hand gives a feeling of durability and stamina.

This razor fits any double edge blades, but the experience is felt in the combination of the razor, blade and technique.

Take care when shaving with a double edge razor.

Having good technique is key to minimizing cuts and achieving a great shave.

Feather Hi-Stainless Double Edge Blades have a reputation for being sharp, consistent in quality and very durable.

Making sure you have a great razor and blade is important to a truly superior shave

Razor weight: 2.3 oz (68 g)

Length: 4.3 inches (110 mm)

Founded in Seki city, Japan in 1904 as 'The Japan Safety Razor Company' Feather are known world wide for their precision medical and barber instruments.

Seki is the hub for samurai sword manufacturing.