With our RHW0-80ATC refractometer you can determine fast and exactly the alcohol content. The refractometer supplies the best results in alcoholic solutions or pure alcohols of all kinds (e.g. clear, grains, liquor). With liquids such as wheat beer, red wine becomes the result of measurement more inaccurately, because the refractive index becomes from the solved materials/float-openly/coloring materials falsifies. This problem can be solved by manufacturing a distillate of the liquid. Here some drops are sufficient.




Example measurement:
Before each measuring procedure you should clean the lift-up lid and the prism carefully and afterwards dry to leave. Then you give 1-2 drops of the sample on the prism, when closing the lift-up lid the sample distributes itself evenly between covers and prism. Pay attention that no air vesicles form. This would impair the fair result negatively. By easy moving of the lift-up lid the sample liquid can be distributed evenly. Now you hold the refractometer against bright daylight, in order to see the scale by the eyepiece. The desired value can be read off now directly. Please carefully clean and dry the equipment after each measuring procedure, so that no deposits are left on the prism and the cover.

Scope of supply:
- Refractometer
- Hard bowl box with foam material insert
- Calibration screwdriver
- 1 pipette

Measuring range:
w/w: 0-80%
w/w: 1%
Measuring error:
+/- 1%
20,3cm x 2,9cm
280 g
CE-conform EN 50081-1, EN 50082-1