Ormus Minerals
Ormus White Gold Powder Capsules


Ormus Mental Benefits

  1. Clearer Thinking
  2. Developed Intuition
  3. Emotional Healing
  4. Greater Clarity and Focus
  5. Heightened Senses
  6. Sense of Being Fully Present
  7. Sense of Calm
  8. Thought Manifestation


Ormus Physical Benefits

  1. Aids Intestinal Tract
         Absorption of Food Particles
  2. Body Cells' Generation
    of Hydroelectric Energy
  3. Body Cells' Hydration and Nourishment
  4. Body Cells' Regeneration
         and Communication
  5. Body Cells' Rejuvenation
  6. Vision Support
  7. Increases Electrolytes
  8. Increases Energy
  9. Prevents Muscle Cramps
  10. Promotes Bone Strength
  11. Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar
  12. Promotes Healthy Cellular PH Balance
  13. Promotes Healthy DNA & RNA
  14. Promotes Healthy Immune System Function

Ormus White Powder Gold Benefits


                 1.                Right/left brain balance 

2.                Increased creativity and right brain activity

3.                Greater creativity

4.                Enhanced intuition

5.                Enhanced mental clarity and focus

6.                Decrease in negative emotions and thought patterns

7.                Greater ability to cope with stressful situations

8.                Positive emotions and greater sense of inner peace 

9.                Reported - help with more focused prayer

10.           Enhanced and/or more vivid dreams

11.           Heightened intuitive abilities

12.           Increased vibrancy, health and physical stamina 



Stardust Ormus White Gold Powder

Many people experience enhanced mental clarity, greater mind-body coordination, improved learning ability, increased creativity, and calmer reactions to common, everyday stressful situations.* Monatomic (or monoatomic) gold is also often referred to as white gold, or the acronyms ORMES and ORMUS. 


This white powdered  gold and    this method makes powder which assays to 16%    gold     , 42% Iridium, and 42% Rhodium according to David Hudson, the "real thing." 

Air dried version of John (no relation to David) Hudson’s famous formula extracted from Azomite, Dolomite and Volcanic Sand. A prolific producer, the alchemy keeps getting better and better. This powder is light and opens the mind and creates clarity and energy. People have reported heightened senses, emotional healing, telepathy and more. 

Try Ormus Minerals White Powder Gold Capsules


White Powder Gold Capsules
Natural Ormus Energy
Receive An 30 Count Bottle
Take 1 to 3 Capsules a day





1 Capsule
3 Capsules




Ormus Minerals Extracted From
Volcanic Sand, Dolomite, and Azomite Clay, Gelatin Capsules


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