With our TMT-182 you receive our newest maintenance-free compressor with compact dimensions (245mm x 135mm x 170mm) and high performance piston compressor (1/5 HP) with a maximum pressure from 4 bar with a volume from 23 litres/minute. With only 47db the compressor belongs to the quietest its class. In the scope of supply are contained a mini air cleaner and a manometer.




Technical explanations:
1. Reciprocating compressor or Diaphragm/Membrane compressor
Meantime compressors are the first choice for airbrush. Reciprocating compressors are much better than the cheap, loud and vibrating diaphragm/membrane compressors. Also they have a much higher life-span. An other great advantage of our compressor is it's feedforward control you simple choose your favourite working pressure (1.5 - 3.0 bar) and the device controls the power up and power down processes. So you can temporary even use more air the compressor produces. Also the device has a water separator and a pressure delimiter. Due to all this our high quality compressor delivers a airstream free of pulsation. Our compressor is super quiet (only 47db) and maintenance-free.

2. Airbrush filter with liquid seperator
This filter holds back even least dust particles and any liquid.

3. Start-/Stop automatic with overheat protection
The desired operating pressure (0 to 4 bar) is adjusted and the compressor regulates on-and-off switching absolutely independently. In any case of a possible overloading the equipment switches itself off independently.