
Photograph of Howard Thurston performing a levitation from his show. Exciting black and white reprint, perfect for framing and display. The image measures 8.5” x 11”. 

Printed on archival 73 lb. glossy photographic stock. This is a photographic reprint from a high quality original source and is a high quality print. When evaluating the quality of the photo, please keep in mind that some of the original source photos were taken nearly, if not over 100 years ago.



Howard Thurston (July 20, 1869 - April 13, 1936) was a world famous stage magician from Columbus, Ohio. He had the largest traveling Vaudeville magic show for the time, requiring more than eight entire train cars to transport his props and equipment across the country.

Besides being known for the large stage illusions in his Vaudeville show, Thurston was famous for his work with playing cards. He called himself the "King of Cards". One of his most famous effects was the "Rising Card".

In 1908 he took over the Thurston-Kellar Show, following the retirement of Harry Kellar. He toured with Beatrice Foster whom he eventually married, but the marriage only lasted for four years.

His brother Harry Thurston also achieved some prominence as a performer.

On August 23, 1935, Thurston's farewell tour began at the Fox Theatre in Philadelphia. Though he did not perform the card manipulations he had excelled in for so many years, the other tricks and illusions were as swiftly placed and as entertaining as ever.

Thurston died from a stroke in 1936 in Miami Beach, Florida. He is entombed at Green Lawn Abbey, a mausoleum in Columbus, Ohio.

Special Thanks To Magicpedia For Some Biographical  Information

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