NOTA: A causa della situazione globale le spedizioni potrebbero subire ritardi e non rispettare le date di consegna indicate. Mi scuso per questa eventualità.

In vendita un kit a tenuta di luce per tutti i tipi di magazzini Hasselblad, composto dalla guarnizione di sottile plastica nera sagomata 
(speciale materiale non pitturato), dallo spessore in spugna polimerica sagomata, e dalla striscia di velluto adesivo nero. 
Si tratta di un set nuovo, realizzato con i migliori materiali disponibili, 
accompagnato dalle istruzioni per la sostituzione. 
Un cacciavite di precisione è l'unico strumento richiesto. 

NOTA: questi kit sono apprezzati da migliaia di fotografi professionisti nel mondo!

Per una lunga lista di feedback ricevuti con il precedente account ebay (basta copiare e incollare nella barra degli indirizzi la seguente stringa:     ). 
Alcuni feedback:

- Product as advertised. Fast service!!
- Fast sending, excellent service. Gracie Mille!!
- Top Verkäufer alles gut
- top vendeur, sérieux et efficace!..vivement conseillé !! A+++
- Fast and works like a charm!
- Perfect. As described. Great price. 
- Great seller, would do business with any time A+A+A+!!!
- Excellent, Will do business again. Great Instructions, so easy to replace Thanks
- Always nice to do business with this seller. Top ebayer!
- Number one,Speedy,economic ed very onest.All perfect, consigliato. Thanks. AAA+ 
- Perfect all the way!!

Grazie per aver letto!

I am offering here a new light trap seal set (trap kit) for all the Hasselblad film magazines,
consisting of a shaped special black plastic foil, a foam, and a velvet adhesive strip. 

The kit is made with the best available materials, and comes with original replacement instructions. 
The only tool necessary for replacement is a screwdriver. 

NOTE: these kits are appreciated by thausands of photographers all over the world.

These trap seals have been tested by thausands of professionists and are highly appreciated. They guarantee best vale for money.

For a very long list of feedbacks received with previous ebay account (please look for user federico2926 to verify, or copy-paste in the address bar the following string:     ). 
A feedback selection:

- Product as advertised. Fast service!!
- Fast sending, excellent service. Gracie Mille!!
- Top Verkäufer alles gut
- top vendeur, sérieux et efficace!..vivement conseillé !! A+++
- Fast and works like a charm!
- Perfect. As described. Great price. 
- Great seller, would do business with any time A+A+A+!!!
- Excellent, Will do business again. Great Instructions, so easy to replace Thanks
- Always nice to do business with this seller. Top ebayer!
- Number one,Speedy,economic ed very onest.All perfect, consigliato. Thanks. AAA+ 
- Perfect all the way!!

Thank you for reading and happy photo-shooting!

Note:  When the light trap is damaged, light enters and reaches the film: 
pictures are affected by recognizable light. Two kind of wear are possible: the most frequent involves the foam that, with time, 
loses the elasticity necessary to expand the foil. The foil can in turn develop longitudinal cracks, near to the plied zone. 

If the plastic foil appears to be intact, it can be kept in place, being thus enough to replace the foam only. It is however a good habit to regularily check and replace the whole light trap once a year, as it is suggested by quoted online references. 

ENGLISH REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED as standard language for non Italian customers. 
Hasselblad light trap seal set - guarnizione a tenuta di luce - lumière d'étanchéité kit - Magazindichtung 