Robert Burns Night Coin & Stamp Display Gift Set

Robbie Burns, 1759 to 1796, was a famous Scottish poet who is still celebrated to this day with Burns night on the 25th January each year.

170 years after his death a special set of British commemorative stamps were issued in his honour and these are incorporated in the set.

The display also contains the 1966 Scottish Shilling: the last Scottish Shilling ever issued. This coin was first introduced in 1937 for the new reign of King George VI and was issued until 1966 when it was lost with the change to decimal coinage.

The official British 1966 set of 4d and 1/3d commemorative postage stamps are in unused Mint condition as issued and the 1966 Scottish Shilling is in Fine (or better) condition.

This would make a wonderful and original gift for a Scottish patriot.

Of course, what a great present this would make to a proud Scotsman or woman celebrating Robbie Burns Night: this would also make an excellent Christmas, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Valentines Day etc present.

The set is housed in a display protection case but can be removed so why not frame to further enhance?


Early life
Robert Burns was born on January 25, 1759 in the village of Alloway near Ayr. He came from a relatively poor, tenant-farmer background, although he received a good education and read avidly as a youngster. It is during his years as a teenager and young man working on farms that he developed some of the passions that would colour the rest of his life - poetry, nature, women and drink.

In 1785 Burns met perhaps the most famous and long-suffering of his female companions, Jean Armour. The union was hotly contested by Jean’s father - until, that is, the poet received public acclaim. Burns, ever the romantic, planned to run away to Jamaica with his lover, but his plan was foiled eventually by the advent of his own fame in Scotland.

Poetry in motion
Fame, but not necessarily fortune, followed in the wake of Burns’s first publication: "Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect" (Kilmarnock Edition). The collection contains many of his best loved poems, including "The Cotter's Saturday Night", "To a Mouse" and "To a Louse".

Favourable reviews from the literati in Edinburgh drew him to the capital where another of the most enduring Burns myths was born: that of the ploughman poet. Burns’s poems complemented the growing literary taste for pastoral pleasures and the type of romanticism that would dominate the literary scene for the next century or so, and he learned to play on these notions to his own advantage.

Many, however, would contest the depiction of Burns as the "heaven-taught ploughman", an innocent whose poetic inspiration was pure and direct from the divine. Such accounts of Burns conveniently gloss over his high level of education, his familiarity with literary mores and his often radical political convictions.

A tale of two tongues
Burns’s poetry at this time chopped and changed between English and Scots and this perhaps reflected his own ambivalent feelings towards the Edinburgh bourgeoisie. It was on his return to farming near Dumfries in 1788 that he penned his masterpiece in the Scots vernacular, "Tam O'Shanter" (1790). Around this time Burns was also contributing to the "The Scots Musical Museum" with immortal songs like "Auld Lang Syne" and "My Luve is Like a Red Red Rose".

In 1789 the poet became an Excise Officer, a fact that probably had many of his drinking partners choking on their ale and provided yet another of the contradictions that separated Burns’s life from his poetry. However, supporting his wife and family required funds, so Burns had to balance his increasingly radical political views with the practicalities of life. He remained an Excise Officer until his death, although he had enough humility to recognise the irony of his own situation in the poem "The De'ils Awa' Wi' The Exciseman", in which the whole community rejoices as the Devil appears to claim the local Excise Officer as his own.

Never averse to verse
Burns was prolific in poet output throughout most of his life and could barely write a shopping a list or letter without putting it in verse.

In 1795 he sent his publisher "For a' that and a' that", a song which vocalised his support for the political radicalism which was beginning to infiltrate British society, especially through Thomas Paine’s controversial work, "The Rights of Man".

Although these notions of equality and liberty were already sweeping through the western world in the light of the turmoil of both the French and American Revolutions, Burns’s poetry had always warmed to these ideals with a peculiarly Scottish lilt. After all, the rhetoric of freedom and equality had been prevalent in Scottish literature since the times of the Bruce and the Wallace. The Bard should always be seen in his national context: as the champion of the underdog in an underdog country.


The year that was 1966...

• In India on 11 January, Indira Gandhi, daughter of Nehru, becomes prime minister • On 6 September, South African prime minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd, one of the promoters of the racist policy of apartheid, is assassinated • On 1 October, Chinese defence minister Lin Biao accuses the Soviet Union of conspiring with the United States over Vietnam. Six days later, the Soviet Union expels all Chinese students, and relations between the two countries continues to decline • On 3 February, the Soviet Luna 9 makes the first unmanned landing on the moon, soon followed by the United States's Surveyor 1 (2 June) • England win football's World Cup on 30 July, by defeating West Germany 4-2 after extra time, at London's Wembley Stadium • The America pop group The Beach Boys release their influential LP Pet Sounds • 

Sporting 1966...

• Football League Champions were Liverpool, leaving Leeds United in the runners up spot • Everton defeated Sheffield Wednesday 3-2 in the FA Cup Final • The Grand National winning horse was ‘Anglo’ • The Derby winning horse was ‘Charlottown’ • Golf's British Open was won by Jack Nicklaus • Oxford won the Boat Race by three ¾ lengths over Cambridge • F1 Champion was Jack Brabham driving for Brabham • Snooker’s World Championship was decided on a challenge match basis from 1964-68: John Pulman (England) defended his title by defeating Fred Davis (England) 5-2 during 1966 • The Wimbledon tennis singles tournament saw victories for Manuel Santana of Spain (mens) and Billie Jean King of USA (ladies) • American Sport - The first Super Bowl did not take place until 1967 - NBA Championship: Boston Celtics 4-3 Los Angeles Lakers – Major League Baseball World Series: Baltimore 4-0 Los Angeles (MVP Frank Robinson) •