Most native metallic Silver runs from 0:785 % - 0.900 % . In my mining experience dorĂ© bars smelted 

from microscopic ores are usually lower. The reason for this is the presence not of 

dirt or rock but lots of other metals that are not removed in the fluxing process. These are usually lead and copper, but 

can include nickel, platinum metals and a host of others leached from the ore and added to the silver in processing. 

Native Silver nuggets and visible placer is normally of higher purity than metal 

from leached microscopic sources.

This nugget comes from the remote areas of New South Wales , 

renown for having one of the highest naturally occurring purity gold reserves in the world. 

This is a must have for anyone looking to own a piece of New South Wales .

QualityPurity provided is an average determined via scans using an XRF metal analyzer based on multiple scans.

Silver-bearing ore doesn't always contain pure Silver as it is associated with other minerals such as sulphur, copper, 

lead and zinc within the veins where it is formed. It is generally found in its natural state to be approximately 

0:785 % - 0.900 % pure, meaning naturally occurring Silver