
Detection, Formation, Properties, Habitability

by John Mason

Springer Praxis, 2008, 9783540740070, Hardcover with pictorial laminate cover, VG condition, previous owner's name, no underlining, no highlighting, 314 pages.

The first exoplanet was discovered only in 1995, but over 200 exoplanetary systems are now known and the field continues to advance rapidly. This edited volume, with chapters authored by some of the most prominent scientists in the field, is an invaluable introduction and reference on all key aspects of exoplanet research.
The topics covered in Exoplanets include both theoretical work on the formation and orbital evolution of these systems, and current observational studies using a wide variety of detection and analytical techniques. In addition, this book

• provides a state-of-the-art summary of developments in exoplanet research
• examines the formation, dynamics and evolution of exoplanets
• describes the variety of techniques used to detect exoplanets and discover their individual properties
• explores the possibility that exoplanets and their moons will provide habitats for some form of life

Exoplanet research is a fast moving and exciting field, and this book is a welcome addition to the literature at present found only in journals. Exoplanets is suitable not only for professional astronomers, planetary scientists, and astrobiologists, but also for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in astrophysics, astrobiology and planetary science.

Contributing authors:
• Rory Barnes • David P. Bennett • Jian Ge • Nader Haghighipour • Patrick Irwin • Hugh Jones
• Victoria Meadows • Stanimir Metchev • I. Neill Reid • George Rieke • Caleb Scharf • Steinn Sigurdsson



Editor's Preface
List of contributors

1 Detection Methods and Properties of Known Exoplanets
Patrick G. J. Irwin

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Detection of Extrasolar Planets
1.2.1 Radial Velocity Detections
1.2.2 Astrometry
1.2.3 Transit Detections
1.2.4 Microlensing
1.3 Properties of Observed Extrasolar Planets
1.4 Sensitivity and Future Methods for Detection of Extrasolar Planets
1.4.1 Transit Programmes
1.4.2 Direct Optical Detection
1.5 Conclusions

2 Doppler Exoplanet Surveys: From Single Object to Multiple Objects
Jian Ge

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Description of the Doppler Method
2.2.1 The High Resolution Cross-Dispersed Echelle Method
2.2.2 The Dispersed Fixed-Delay Interferometer Method
2.3 Main Results from Single Object Doppler Planet Surveys
2.3.1 Main Conclusions on Giant Planets
2.3.2 New Super-Earth Mass Planet Results
2.4 Science Needs for Multiple Object Doppler Planet Surveys
2.5 Early Results from a Multi-Object Doppler Planet Survey
2.6 New Planet Science to be Addressed by Next Generation Multi-Object RV Planet Surveys
2.6.1 Giant Planet Science
2.6.2 Comparison with Other Planet Surveys
2.6.3 Super-Earth Mass Planets
2.7 Conclusions

3 Detection of Extrasolar Planets by Gravitational Microlensing
David P. Bennett

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Gravitational Microlensing Theory
3.2.1 The Single Lens Case
3.2.2 Multiple Lens Systems
3.3 Planetary Microlensing Events
3.3.1 Planetary Caustic Perturbations
3.3.2 Stellar Caustic Perturbations
3.3.3 Finite Source Effects
3.4 Planetary Parameters from Microlensing Events
3.4.1 Angular Einstein Radius
3.4.2 Microlensing Parallax
3.4.3 Planetary Orbits
3.5 Observational Programs
3.5.1 Early Observational Results
3.5.2 Microlensing Planet Detections
3.6 Future Programs
3.6.1 The Ultimate Exoplanet Census: Space-Based Microlensing

4 Formation and Evolution of Terrestrial Planets in Protoplanetary and Debris Disks
George H. Rieke

4.1 Overview
4.2 Protoplanetary Disks
4.2.1 Disk Behaviour
4.2.2 Terrestrial Planet Formation
4.3 Debris Disks
4.3.1 Debris in the Solar System
4.3.2 Theoretical Background
4.3.3 Evolution
4.3.4 Spectral Energy Distributions
4.3.5 Imaging
4.3.6 Dependence on Stellar Mass, Metallicity, and Presence of Companions
4.4 Conclusion

5 The Brown Dwarf – Exoplanet Connection
I. Neill Reid, Stanimir A. Metchev

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Intrinsic Properties of Brown Dwarfs
5.2.1 Brown Dwarf Evolution
5.2.2 Observed Characteristics
5.2.3 Classifying Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets
5.3 Observational Techniques for Identifying Low-mass Companions
5.3.1 Direct Imaging Surveys
5.3.2 Radial Velocity
5.3.3 Astrometric Surveys
5.3.4 Photometric Methods: Eclipsing Binaries
5.3.5 Summary
5.4 Brown Dwarfs as Companions
5.4.1 Stellar Binary Systems
5.4.2 Solar-Type Stars
5.4.3 Low Mass Binaries
5.4.4 Summary
5.5 Future Work
5.5.1 Direct Detection of Transiting Planets
5.5.2 High Contrast Imaging
5.5.3 Wide Field Imaging Surveys
5.5.4 Radial Velocity and Astrometric Surveys
5.5.5 Brown Dwarf Atmospheres
5.6 Summary and Conclusions

6 Close-Orbiting Exoplanets: Formation, Migration Mechanisms and Properties
Hugh R.A. Jones, James S. Jenkins & John R. Barnes

6.1 Introduction
6.2 51 Pegasi as a Prototypical Close-Orbiting Exoplanet
6.3 Transit Discovery of Close-Orbiting Planets
6.4 Orbital Characteristics of Close-Orbiting Planets
6.4.1 Exoplanetary Mass Function
6.4.2 Exoplanetary Eccentricities
6.4.3 The Parent Stars of Close-Orbiting Exoplanets are Metal-Rich
6.5 Migration and Formation of Exoplanets
6.5.1 Planet Formation
6.5.2 Migration and Evolution
6.6 Close-Orbiting Planet Atmospheres
6.7 Composition
6.8 Future
6.8.1 The Hunt for Terrestrial Planets

7 Dynamics of Multiple Planet Systems
Rory Barnes

7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Planetary Orbits
7.1.2 Observational Constraints
7.2 Review of Orbital Theory
7.2.1 Analytical Methods
7.2.2 N-body Integrations
7.2.3 Dynamical Stability and Chaos
7.3 Dynamics of Individual Systems
7.4 Distributions of Dynamical Properties
7.4.1 Types of Interactions
7.4.2 Frequency of Mean Motion Resonances
7.4.3 Apsidal Motion
7.4.4 Proximity to Dynamical Instability
7.5 Conclusions

8 Searching for Exoplanets in the Stellar Graveyard
Steinn Sigurdsson

8.1 The Discovery of Extrasolar Planets
8.2 Planets Around Pulsars
8.2.1 Pulsars
8.2.2 Searches -for Planets
8.2.3 Origin of the Pulsar Planets
8.2.4 Planet in Messier 4
8.3 Planets Around White Dwarfs
8.3.1 Timing of Pulsating White Dwarfs
8.4 Future Prospects

9 Formation, Dynamical Evolution, and Habitability of Planets in Binary Star Systems
Nader Haghighipour

9.1 Introduction
9.2 Dynamical Evolution and Stability
9.2.1 Stability of S-type Orbits
9.2.2 Stability of P-type Orbits
9.3 Planet Formation in Binaries
9.4 Habitability
9.5 Future Prospects

10 Planetary Environmental Signatures for Habitability and Life
Victoria S. Meadows

10.1 Introduction: Astrobiology and Habitability
10.1.1 Habitable Zones
10.1.2 A Diversity of Habitability 10.2 Techniques and Space Missions for Direct Detection of Earth-Sized Worlds
10.2.1 Infrared Nulling Interferometer
10.2.2 Visible Light Coronograph
10.3 Remote Detection of Planetary Characteristics
10.3.1 Planetary System Environmental Characteristics
10.3.2 Photometry and Photometric Variability
10.3.3 Remote Sensing Spectroscopy
10.4 Biosignatures: The Global Footprints of Life
10.4.1 Atmospheric Biosignatures
10.4.2 Surface Signatures
10.4.3 Temporal Signatures
10.4.4 Sensitivity to Cloud Cover
10.5 Biosignature Detection

11 Moons of Exoplanets: Habitats for Life?
Caleb A. Scharf

11.1 Introduction
11.1.1 Habitable Zones and Exoplanets
11.2 Moon Formation
11.3 Environmental Conditions of Moons
11.3.1 Tidal Heating and Boosted Temperatures
11.4 Moon Detection
11.5 Life on Exomoons
11.6 Summary




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