LIFE Dec 24 1951

Condition: Excellent (76 pp.)

Photo on cover: Tintoretto “Holy Family”

BIN: $10.00


Home movies made by families for overseas service men (8 b&w pp.)

Eruption of Philippine volcano Hibokhibok (3 b&w pp.)

“Life of Christ” by Tintoretto (20 pages of his paintings in color) 

Julie Harris stars in theater production: “I Am a Camera” (4 b&w pp.)

NY Philharmonic celebrates its 5000th concert

Evelyn Waugh writes of threatened Christian holy places in Jerusalem (6 b&w pp.)

Top television shows for kids (6 b&w pp.)

Color ads: Norman Rockwell illustration for Plymouth, 7up, Lockheed Super Constellation

Magazine Condition Classifications:

Excellent– pristine condition; virtually no signs of age or wear

Very Good – may have: creases on corners of cover or back cover; slight discoloration at spine or page edges; mark where mailing label has been removed

Good – may have pages loose or missing (not affecting main articles); numbers of missing pages are usually noted; may have signs of staining at page edges; front and/or back covers may be soiled or have some writing

Fair – may have signs of water damage; front and/or back cover may show wear; may have pages loose or missing (not affecting main articles); numbers of missing pages are usually noted

Poor – may have: water damage causing wrinkling of some or all pages; pages loose or missing (not affecting main articles); numbers of missing pages are usually noted. Even in poor condition, the visual and reading content is still present.