LIFE Dec 9, 1946

Condition: Very good (136 pages)

Photo on cover: Jet pilot

BIN: $12.00   


Major articles:

Greatest Alpine rescue mission in history (5 bw pp)

US coal strike deepens under defiant John L Lewis (2 bw pp)

Former Nazi scientists help US rocketry efforts (3 bw pp)

Theater: Lillian Hellman’s “Another Part of the Forest” (2 bw pp)

Captured documents reveal Japanese war goals (2 bw pp)

Lou Groza of the Cleveland Browns is football’s top kicker (2 bw pp)

P-80 jet is core of new Air Force and those who fly (8 bw pp)

The “legend” of Louisiana’s Huey Long (6 bw pp)

Movie: “Stairway to Heaven” (2 bw pp)

Retired General “Howlin Mad” Smith (3 bw pp)


Color Ads: Nash, Pan American, Bulova, Pabst, Campbell’s, Swift Meats

B&W Ads: Bell Telephone

Magazine Condition Classifications

Excellent – pristine condition; virtually no signs of age or wear

Very Good – may have: creases on corners of cover or back cover; slight discoloration at spine or page edges; mark where mailing label has been removed

Good – may have pages loose or missing (not affecting main articles); numbers of missing pages are usually noted; may have signs of staining at page edges; front and/or back covers may be soiled or have some writing

Fair – may have signs of water damage; front and/or back cover may show wear; may have pages loose or missing (not affecting main articles); numbers of missing pages are usually noted

Poor – may have: water damage causing wrinkling of some or all pages; pages loose or missing (not affecting main articles); numbers of missing pages are usually noted. Even in poor condition, the visual and reading content is still present.