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Monmouth & Ocean Counties, N J

New! 90-Page Illustrated Booklet

Early days of two New Jersey counties, Monmouth and Ocean (which was largely taken from Monmouth), and their various communities -- Blue Balls, Burrsville, Dover, Freehold, Howell, Imlaystown, Lower Squankum, Middletown, New Bargain, Sandy Hook, Shrewsbury, Squan, Stafford, Tom's River, Upper Freehold, Upper Squankum -- are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this NEW 90-Page Booklet reprinted from two hard to find books: the 1847 edition of John Warner Barber and Henry Howe's Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey and New Jersey, a Guide to Its Present and Past, a WPA project published in 1939. The spiral-bound booklet is printed on 60# paper, with the fine print enlarged for easier reading. A sheet of clear vinyl has been added to protect the front cover.

The Howe/Barber history covers the development of this area until about 1844, while excerpts from the WPA book, give a nostalgic glympse from a 1939 vantage point, including interesting historical notes, especially as they relate to sightseeing possibilities.

Among the many and varied topics in the booklet are:
Early Settlers; a Physical Description of the County; Battle of Monmouth (Accounts by Washington, Sir Henry Clinton,  M. Hilliard d'Aubertevil, and Others); Attack at Tom's River and the Death of American Prisoners; Story of "Captain Molly" (Molly Pitcher), who replaced her dead husband at his canon; How a Youth Captured Two Murderers; Gen. David Forman, known as "Devil David"; Capt. Kidd's Hidden Treasure and Why Coins Aren't Square; Rev. William Tennent, who was almost buried before he died; Tales of the Pine Robbers; Names of the first Baptists in Middletown;  Other Churches, and a church controversy; Long List of Names of Persons Who Pledged to Retaliate Against Marauders; a Fishing Smack's Capture of the British Sloop Eagle near Sandy Hook in the War of 1812; Monument on Sandy Hook to British Soldiers; an Agreement regarding Plums and Fish; Two Small Maps of the area; Landslide at Greenland Bank; Philip Freneau, poet; a Special Section on Freehold; the Death of Capt. Joshua Huddy in Retaliation for the death of Philip White, killed while awaiting trial for murder of Mr. Hendrickson; and other "less complicated," but still interesting bits of history and trivia.  

The booklet contains delightful hand-drawn sketches by Barber and Howe depicting the Courthouse in Freehold, two views of the Plan of the Battle of Monmouth, Middletown, Middletown Point, Keyport, Lighthouses and Telegraph on Navisink Hill, and Capt. Huddy's Mansion.


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