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Nuckolls, Thayer & Webster Counties, Nebraska

Early days in the tri-county area consisting of Nuckolls, Thayer and Webster Counties, Nebraska, are recalled through colorful tales, factual data and individual biographies in this 44-page spiral bound booklet excerpted from the rare 1882 book: History of the State of Nebraska, originally published by the Western Historical Co. of Chicago, and Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State, a 1939 project of the Federal Writers of the Works Progress Administration. The booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the full-color front cover.

Topics included are:

Nuckolls County: Physical description, Early history, "firsts," Pioneer Reminiscences, Indian Troubles, County organization and officials, Railroads, Statistics, Towns -- Superior (local matters, mills, city officials), Nelson (county seat, churches, newspapers, lodges), and Hardy.

Thayer County: Physical description, Early history, Early settlers, Extensive Indian Troubles, County organization and officials, Schools, County buildings, Railroads and Stages, Women's Sufferage Movement (first in state), Calamities (grasshoppers, tornado, etc.), Towns -- Hebron (early history, city officials, local institutions, mills, education, religion, the press, societies), Alexandria (churches, societies), Hubbell (lodges), Carleton (churches) Belvidere, Davenport, Chester, Friedensan and Harbine.

Webster: Physical description, Early settlement, "firsts," General history, County organization and officials, Towns -- Red Cloud (early history, the great storm, local matters, societies, newspapers), Guide Rock, Blue Hill, Amboy, and Cowles,

The booklet contains biographies of many residents. While primarily of interest to descendants, these often contain clues to the area and the times.

Biographical sketches, arranged by communities, include:

NUCKOLLS:  Superior -- A. Beal, L.U. Beal, W.S. Bloom, David Guthrie, Alex Hunter, S.C. Latham, William Loudon, C.H. McHugh, T.J. Padden, R.N. Simonton, Dr. E.M. Snodgrass, S. Timerman, H.H. Williams, H.W. Young; Nelson -- N. Atkinson, J.A. Barber, W.A. Bergstresser, D.W. Barker, J.M. Campbell, J.M. Cook, E.H. Dowland, W.O. Ellis, Thomas Fickes, O.A. Follmer, M.L. Fogel, R.M. Gourlay, S.L. Hall, J.P. Hammond, Robert Hollingworth, O.V. Ingersoll, A.W. McReynolds, Theodore J. Moelle, P.C. Moorhead, J. Ritterbush, Thomas L. Selby, J.N. Shank, Dr. H.A. Stokes; Hardy -- Samuel A. Cyr, D. Griffiths, Thomas L. Hall, J.B. Skinner; Elk Precinct -- Joseph Carlon, E.S. Comstock, G.D. Follmer, Springer Galley, Samuel Johnston, D.W. Montgomery, Capt. W.A. Scott, A. Simonton, L.A. Spurck; Sherman Precinct -- S.T. Caldwell, George Felton, Charles Klingerman, J.A. Roberts, A. Wiggins; Liberty Precinct -- James Beacham, James Crawford, J.B. Nesbitt, C.M. Woodward; Bohnart Precinct -- Rev. B. Kuppenbender, Enoch Owens, J.F. Schell, Louis Schumm; Alban Precinct -- Joseph Hunter; Nora Precinct -- Jonathan Higgins and Ira D. Kemmerer.

THAYER : Hebron -- William M. Barger, Winslow H. Barger, Benjamin F. Berkey, Bethscheider Brothers, Dr. Thomas D. Bristol, T.L. Cadwallader, Albert F. Clemons, Noah B. Coffman, Charles B. Coon, Erasmus M. Correll, David S. Dusenbery, Richard Ellison, Rev. P.J. Erlach, Stephen L. Evans, Morris S. Ferguson, H.E. Garzee, Jacob Hendershot, John W. Hughes, David M. Moyer, Edward S. Past, Carlisle Phebus, Norman Rapalee, A.C. Ring, Savage & Coffman, Manford Savage, Daniel T. Scoville, Benjamin R. Smith, Thomas J. Thompson, W.J. Thompson, William L. Thompson, M.H. Weiss, J.Anton Willy, Wetherald Brothers, Werner Brothers; Alexander -- M.J. Abbott, Solon B. Carpenter, Isidore Ebert, James H. Enslow, C.F. McGrew, Dr. Samuel Morrow, Dr. Thomas McGee, John Nightengale, M.M. Padden, Hugh M. Ross, Dr. James Thomas, George Weisel, W.W. Wirt; Hubbell -- L.B. Dobyns, Joseph Pickering; Carleton -- S.W. Chambers, James F. Green, Henry B. Hamilton, David Olds, Emory Truesdell, Merritt Truesdell, Edward O. Wallace, John B. Wiley; Belvidere -- Frederick Bruning, Peter F. Burruss, Henry W. Cornell, Thomas Isett James, James Leslie, C.F. Moore, Harvey N. Morgan, Dr. J.J. Piggott, F. Servoss; Davenport -- George W. Bearnes, Charles W. Eaton, Orson V. Knowlton, Eugene L. Lyons, McShane Brothers, Charles G. Peil, Benjamin F. Stump, Wesley Teter and James G. Van De Walker; Chester -- Charles B. Kyser and James Wilson.

WEBSTER COUNTY: Red Cloud -- L.P. Albright, A.T. Ayers, George W. Ball, J.P. Bayha, Charles Buschow, O.C. Case, A. Cook, Joseph Garber, Samuel Garber, Silas Garber, Gilham & Tulleys, W.E. Jackson, C.W. Kaley, W.H. Ludlow, David Lutz, M.B. McNitt, A.S. Marsh, Mrs. Sarah Mick, J.L. Miller, Levi Moore, Dr. J.M. Mosena, E.M. Perkins, A.C. Pope, J.L. Miller, Levi Moore, Dr. J.M. Mosena, E.M. Perkins, A.C. Pope, C.H. Potter, C.E. Putnam, W.N. Richardson, Augustus Roats, W.H. Sayre, S.C. Smith (pix), E.B. Smith, Charles W. Springer, W.H. Strohm, M.L. Thomas, Dr. I.W. Tulleys, R.W. Van Dyke, J.C. Warren, H.A. Watson; Guide Rock -- C.F. Allen, Charles G. Codman, J.W. Crary, A.H. Crary, A. Garber, John S. Marsh, E.O. Parker, A.S. Proudfit, Dr. J.W. Robinson, J.B. Sabin, Dr. J.E. Smith, Andrew M. Talbot, John L. Vance; Blue Hill-- F.C. Buschow, Canfield & Parker, John S. Hoover, John S. McClelland, Solomon Mandelbaum, G.M. Morey, R.A. Simpson, Dr. Ph. D. Shunk and C.G. Wilson.

The final part of the booklet contains a brief excerpt from Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State. This includes brief stops at Red Cloud and Inavale, and at the site of the Eubank Massacre.

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