Josera MiniWell is a complete adult food with a small kibble for smaller and mini breeds.

As with most Josera dog food recipes, MiniWell is gluten-free.

All Josera recipes are:

  • Free from wheat, soya and GM ingredients

  • Free from artificial flavourings, colourings and preservatives, and dairy and sugar

Sustainable, carbon-neutral dog food produced with DLG-certified quality ingredients for optimal digestibility and lower feed rations.

Voted Most Sustainable Pet Food Brand globally by the Pet Sustainability Coalition 2020-2021.

Daily feeding recommendation:

Based on target adult weight

  • dog weight 2kg: less active/senior 35g normal activity 45g active 50g

  • dog weight 4kg: less active/senior 60g normal activity 75g active 85g

  • dog weight 6kg: less active/senior 65g normal activity 80g active 95g

  • dog weight 8kg: less active/senior 70g normal activity 95g active 115g

  • dog weight 10kg: less active/senior 85g normal activity 110g active 135g

Fresh water should be available at all times for your dog.

  • Ingredients: dried poultry protein; whole grain corn; rice; poultry fat; beet fibre; hydrolysed poultry protein; minerals (sodium tri-polyphosphate 0.35 %); yeast; chicory root, ground (natural source of inulin).

  • Analytical Constituents: Crude protein 27%, Fat content 16%, Moisture 9%, Crude fibre 2.0%, Crude ash 7.2%, Calcium 1.50%, Phosphorus 1.20%, Sodium 0.40%, Magnesium 0.10%.

  • Metabolizable energy: 16.2MJ/kg, 3872kcal/kg

  • Nutritional additives per 1kg: Vitamin A 18,000 I.U., vitamin D3 1,800 I.U., vitamin E 220mg, vitamin B1 15mg, vitamin B2 20mg, vitamin B6 20mg, vitamin B12 100mcg. Pantothenic acid 50mg, Niacin 90mg, Folic acid 5mg, Biotin 1,000mcg, iron (ferrous sulfate, monohydrate) 250mg, zinc (zinc chelate of glycine, hydrate) 160mg, manganese (manganese-(II)-oxide) 20mg, copper (cupric chelate of glycine, hydrate) 20mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 2.50mg, selenium (sodium selenite) 0.3mg. Antioxidants: tocopherol extracts of natural origin.