Heading : A William Moorcroft Pottery Ginger Jar and Cover
Date : Circa 1918
Burslem, Staffordshire
Features : Ovoid body with collar neck and flat top cover
Pattern: Two quatrefoil panels enclosing poppy and purple flowers and leaves against overall reserves of powder blue
Marks : Green painted signature 'W Moorcroft' and impressed Moorcroft, Burslem,England
Type : Powder Blue resist.
Size : Height 20.5cm
Condition : Slight blemish in the firing to rim of cover and some crazing under the base
Restoration : None
Weight : 1405grams

Additional Information :

For images of Powder Blue and other resist colours on various forms See: Moorcroft 1897-1993 Revised Edition, Atterbury P. page 91 plates 3,4 and 5.



Ebay is a fantastic platform via which to communicate. I am Eric Knowles. I am unquestionably a people person in so far as I like to know the person at the end of the telephone, or those with whom I communicate electronically. For the avoidance of doubt and to eliminate risk when buying I always like to know the seller.


Please do not think me egotistical, however, it is important that people know exactly who I am. I have been involved in the antiques business since 1971. My career took a leap forward when I joined Bonhams in 1976. Some five years later I became head of the Decorative Arts department. The same year I was invited by the BBC to take part in the Antiques Roadshow and 38 years later I am still enjoying being a part of the team. 


Code  21031709