Mixed Art/RPPC Scene of Ships Seal Hunt Crew and Sailor Portrait From Busum

RPPC picture of a ship and crew preparing for a Seal Hunt with side bar picture of a local seaman. Scenes are embossed by etched drawing around the pictures. Card is addressed and has a written message in ink.  Postmark mailing cancellation in Busum (Germany) 30.7.00 with a 5 Pfenning Reichspost stamp. Card has a receiving cancellation in Trautenau  31.7 00. . Made in Hamburg No. 1067 of some series!
This is a unique early RPPC!!  Overall it is in very collectible condition.

Note: No sale to China/Russia.

Postage/shipping Free in Canada, USA $1.95 (Air), Int'l $3.25 (Air).

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