• (Author)   -
  • (Series)  -
  • (Illustrated)  Yes
  • (Illustrator)   -
  • (Age range)  3 to 6 years
  • (ISBN)  9782733821534
  • (Publisher)  Auzou
  • (Printing date)  2012
  • (Format)  Hardback
  • (Dust jacket)  -
  • (Size)  26 x 26 x 2 cm
  • (No. of pages)  8
  • (RRP)  £-

  • (Additional Note)  None

    The Baby Pets Play pop-up is an original and very creative book. It will please both children and parents. With its bright colours and its mechanisms, children will discover one guinea-pig in his wheel, two puppies under the bed, three kittens, four baby budgerigars and five fish.
    All the pop-up are made in 3D.