Since 1999 we have been selling quality, fine gold & diamond jewelry on eBay with fast, secure shipping and sincere attention to our established reputation for excellent customer service. 
Every listing will show the exact piece of jewelry you will receive since we do not use stock photos or magazine pictures as so many sellers use when their item is merely an "example".   Every piece receives our personal attention with individual pictures.
We want you to trust us and know that every item goes out with our personal attention andl money back guarantee for your satisfaction which allows you to buy with confidence in a pleasant transaction. 


                                                  BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, I SELL WITH A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE



 This is a lovely  vase made by Fenton you will use often and hand made right here in America. The pattern is Cranberry Opalescent Coin Dot. The height is 9" with a frilly top. There is no damage of any kind. Thanks for looking. 

   Honestly dealing with me is quite different from talking to others. I will give you my undivided attention to answer all your questions, guarantee your purchase to your satisfaction. I sell as reasonably as possible and I believe that you'll find your purchase to be even BETTER than you are expecting.