The most notable known characteristics of the Afa alga

  A high proportion of vegetable proteins (60-70%), which are particularly well absorbed and utilized by the body compared to animal products

  A high pigment content: chlorophyll, the green plant pigment, binds the oxygen in plant cells and transports it to the cells

  A high level of B vitamins, iron and also various fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on cell metabolism

Quality assurance during harvest, drying and further processing

The wild growing Afa Algae is sourced direct from the harvesting companies at Klamath Lake. The harvest takes place in the northern part of Klamath Lake, where there is a constant supply of fresh water. Our offerings are OTCO (American Organic) certified and thorough laboratory analysis by independent laboratories ensures our products are free from contaminants.

Each batch is examined again in Germany by the Fresenius Institute for microcystine, so that we can guarantee perfect quality. The filling as capsules or processing as pellets takes place in a certified German specialist company that has many years of experience in dealing with Afa algae. The pellets are produced without binding agents. So you always get 100 percent pure Afa algae of the best quality, regardless of whether you choose pellets or powder.

Afa algae pellets 180 g

First quality control already on the harvest boat

The most modern drying process is used to preserve the valuable ingredients of the Afa algae.

The best-known and formerly most common method of preserving Afa algae was freeze-drying; however, since the middle of the year 2000, a new process has been developed to be ready for series production: "Refractance WindowTM Technology", hereinafter referred to as RWT drying process for short. A study by Washington State University shows that this process preserves the ingredients of food even better than freeze-drying or the spray-drying process, which is rarely used anymore. Our own tests with the various dried products confirm this. tests by Prof. dr Popp at the Institute for Biophotonics in Neuss also showed that the RWT-dried algae have a 300 percent higher biophoton radiation than freeze-dried algae. Our Afa algae are manufactured using this new process. Below is a brief description of this:

Afa algae pellets 180 g

In RWT drying, the liquid algae is placed on the conveyor belt surface of the dryer. The assembly line consists of a transparent polyester skin that forms a membrane on the surface of a hot pool of water. The mylar band acts like a mirror that transfers the infrared thermal energy of the water to the wet algae as if through a window. As the seaweed dries and the water it contains evaporates, the heat transfer stops automatically once the water contained in the seaweed has evaporated. The "window" is then closed and prevents further heat transfer and overheating of the algae. The alga only reaches a temperature of approx. 38°C, and the valuable nutrients and sensitive pigments responsible for color and taste are optimally preserved.

Afa algae pellets 180 g

The blue-green primordial algae from Klamath Lake in Oregon, USA, called Afa Algae from its Latin name (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae), is a holistic, unadulterated food and is recommended by nutritionists for its wealth of nutrients and vital substances.

The main component of Afa Alge is high-quality protein. It contains all the essential amino acids in the Spektrum we need:

Afa algae pellets 180 g

Also contained in the Afa algae is the essential gamma-linolenic acid, one of the most valuable fatty acids in breast milk, which has only been found in a few foods so far. It also contains EPA and DHA fatty acids, key substances in the development of the human brain. It is high in chlorophyll and beta-carotene and contains rare pigments such as phycocyanin (blue pigment). These dyes act as natural antioxidants and support the body in fighting off free radicals.

Afa algae pellets 180 g       Afa algae pellets 180 g

So far, 23 minerals have been analyzed in the Afa algae, all of which are bound to enzymes. Vegetarians can cover their vitamin B12 needs with the recommended daily dose of 1.5 grams of Afa algae. In addition to these components, the Afa alga contains such a wealth of active plant substances that the chemistry professor Dr. Karl Abrams called Afa algae the most nutritious food.

The nutrient tables offer a detailed analysis

Afa algae pellets 180 g

Afa alga under the microscope

Aphanizomenon flos-aqua
General composition (in % of dry matter)

62% proteins (amino acids)
23% carbohydrates
7% minerals (ash)
3% lipids (fats)
3% dyes (chlorophyll, etc.)

2% moisture

Typical analysis

Essential Amino Acids
(per gram)

29 mg isoleucine
33 mg threonine
52 mg leucine
7 mg tryptophan
35 mg lysine
32 mg valine
7 mg methionine
(38 mg) (arginine)
25 mg phenylalanine
(9 mg) (histidine)

Non-Essential Amino Acids
(per gram)

47 mg asparagine
29 mg proline
47 mg alanine
29 mg serine
78 mg glutamine
17 mg tyrosine
2 mg cystine
7 mg aspartic acid
29 mg glycine
4 mg glutamic acid

minerals and trace elements
(per gram)

10.0 mg boron
0.53 mcg chromium
38.0 mcg fluorine
2.2 mg magnesium
5.3 mcg nickel
0.67 mcg selenium
0.5 mcg tin
18.7 mcg zinc
14.0 mg calcium
2.0 mcg cobalt
0.27 mcg germanium
32.0 mcg manganese 5.1 mg phosphorus
186.7 mcg silicone
23.3 mcg titanium
0.5 mcg iodine
464.0 mcg chlorine
4.0 mcg copper
350.7 mcg iron
3.3 mcg molybdenum
12.0 mcg of potassium
2.7 mg sodium
2.7 mcg vanadium
80 mg of potassium

(per gram)

1.44 mg (240 RE) provitamin A (beta-carotene)
11.1 mcg pyridoxine (B6)
12.6 mg niacin (B3)
0.3 mcg biotin
4.8 mcg thiamine (B1)
8.0 mcg cobalamin (B12)
1.0 mcg folic acid
11 mcg vitamin E (0.1 IU)
57.3 mcg Riboflavin (B2)
6 mcg ascorbic acid (C)
6.8 mcg pantothenic acid (B5)
2.3 mcg choline

fatty acids
(5% of total share)

43.4% palmitic (16:0)
Traces of palmitolinoles (16:2)
5.0% olein (18:1)
21.4% Linoleen 6.9.12 (18:3)
9.7% Palmitolein (16:1)
2.9% stearin (18:0)
12.4% lino (18:2)
Cholesterol free

Afa algae pellets 180 g       Afa algae pellets 180 g

Afa algae pellets 180 g       Afa algae pellets 180 g

Afa Algae - Summary

With the Afa algae, the oldest living organism on planet earth, a highly potent complex of mutually complementary and reinforcing active ingredients presents itself, which leads to a general improvement in well-being. As a holistic natural plant-based food, AFA algae represent an excellent alternative to synthetic vitamin and mineral supplements.

contents: 100 g pure AfA algae powder

Consumption recommendation: 2.5g - 5g daily

The best-known and formerly most common method of preserving Afa algae was freeze-drying; however, since the middle of the year 2000, a new process has been developed to be ready for series production: "Refractance WindowTM Technology", hereinafter referred to as RWT drying process for short. A study by Washington State University shows that this process preserves the ingredients of food even better than freeze-drying or the spray-drying process, which is rarely used anymore. Our own tests with the various dried products confirm this. tests by Prof. dr Popp at the Institute for Biophotonics in Neuss also showed that the RWT-dried algae have a 300 percent higher biophoton radiation than freeze-dried algae. Our Afa algae are manufactured using this new process. Below is a brief description o