Thrawn - Alliances, Paperback by Zahn, Timothy, ISBN 0525481281, ISBN-13 9780525481287, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

<b>#1 <i>NEW YORK TIMES </i>BESTSELLER </b>&bull;&#160;<b>Grand Admiral Thrawn and Darth Vader team up against a threat to the Empire in this&#160;thrilling&#160;novel from bestselling author Timothy Zahn.</b><br><i>&#160;</i><br><i>&ldquo;I have sensed a disturbance in the Force.&rdquo;</i>&#160;<br><br>Ominous words under any circumstances, but all the more so when uttered by Emperor Palpatine. On Batuu, at the edges of the Unknown Regions, a threat to the Empire is taking root&mdash;its existence little more than a glimmer, its consequences as yet unknowable. But it is troubling enough to the Imperial leader to warrant investigation by his most powerful agents: ruthless enforcer Lord Darth Vader and brilliant strategist Grand Admiral Thrawn. Fierce rivals for the emperor&rsquo;s favor, and outspoken adversaries on Imperial affairs&mdash;including the Death Star project&mdash;the formidable pair seem unlikely partners for such a crucial mission. But the Emperor knows it&rsquo;s not the first time Vader and Thrawn have joined forces. And there&rsquo;s more behind his royal command than either man suspects.<br><br>In what seems like a lifetime ago, General Anakin Skywalker of the Galactic Republic, and Commander Mitth&rsquo;raw&rsquo;nuruodo, officer of the Chiss Ascendancy, crossed paths for the first time. One on a desperate personal quest, the other with motives unknown . . . and undisclosed. But facing a gauntlet of dangers on a far-flung world, they forged an uneasy alliance&mdash;neither remotely aware of what their futures held in store.<br><br>Now, thrust together once more, they find themselves bound again for the planet where they once fought side by side. There they will be doubly challenged&mdash;by a test of their allegiance to the Empire . . . and an enemy that threatens even their combined might.<br><br><b>Praise for <i>Thrawn: Alliances</i><br></b><br>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s a science fiction beach read in the best way, brisk and amusing, with some cool additions to the&#160;Star Wars&#160;galaxy.&rdquo;<b>&mdash;Den of Geek</b><br> &#160;<br> &ldquo;Like all of Zahn&rsquo;s novels set in a galaxy far, far away, it&rsquo;s an essential read for anyone looking for an artistically done adventure.&rdquo;<b>&mdash;CNET</b>