Dieses DVD-Set besteht aus folgenden 3 Fight Club in the Street DVD's:



Krav Maga - Street Boxing - Global Defense System - Sambo - Kajukenbo

By 7 experts

No need to be an Olympic champion, a muscular man or a 10th dan expert to learn how to defend yourself, you just need to want it and listen... Learning, understanding, analyzing and anticipating is within everyone's reach.

The street is a jungle. You can spend your life without being attacked, but one day everything can change without warning. Do not fear this danger, you just have to get ready and prepare properly.

This film will show you 5 different defenses (Krav Maga, Street Boxing, Global Defense System, Sambo and Kajukenbo) against these attacks: grip, attacks with bare hands, with a stick or a bat, with a kick, and gun threat.

Many videos deal with self defense, but here you will learn and be able to compare different defense systems. There is not a better style than the other, there is just a style that suits you best, it's up to you to find it. Whether you are fat or thin, tall or small, supple or not, beginner or expert, it doesn't matter; "Fight Club in the Street" will teach you how to defend yourself against the most common attacks.

Being a member of "Fight Club in the Street" is learning how to defend oneself and not to attack, it is knowing how to help one's fellow man, respect oneself and respect others.

LANGUAGES: Français - English - Deutsch - Español



Krav Maga - Street Boxing - Global Defense System - Sambo - Kajukenbo

By 7 experts

No need to be an Olympic champion, a muscular man or a 10th dan expert to learn how to defend yourself, you just need to want it and listen... Learning, understanding, analyzing and anticipating is within everyone's reach.

The street is a jungle. You can spend your life without being attacked, but one day everything can change without warning. Do not fear this danger, you just have to get ready and prepare properly.

This film will show you 5 different defenses (Krav Maga, Street Boxing, Global Defense System, Sambo and Kajukenbo) against these attacks: seizure, attacks with bare hands, with a stick or a bat, with a kick, and with a knife.

Many videos deal with self defense, but here you will learn and be able to compare different defense systems. There is not a better style than the other, there is just a style that suits you best, it's up to you to find it. Whether you are fat or thin, tall or small, supple or not, beginner or expert, it doesn't matter; "Fight Club in the Street" will teach you how to defend yourself against the most common attacks.

Being a member of "Fight Club in the Street" is learning how to defend oneself and not to attack, it is knowing how to help one's fellow man, respect oneself and respect others.

SPRACHE : Français - English - Deutsch - Español



Krav Maga - Street Boxing - Global Defense System - Sambo - Kajukenbo By 7 experts

No need to be an Olympic champion, a muscular man or a 10th dan expert to learn how to defend yourself, you just need to want it and listen... Learning, understanding, analyzing and anticipating is within everyone's reach.

The street is a jungle. You can spend your life without being attacked, but one day everything can change without warning. Do not fear this danger, you just have to get ready and prepare properly.

This film will show you 5 different defenses (Krav Maga, Street Boxing, Global Defense System, Sambo and Kajukenbo) against these attacks: Attacks with bare-hand, a stick or a baseball bat, with a kick, plus knife and gun threat.

Many videos deal with self defense, but here you will learn and be able to compare different defense systems. There is not a better style than the other, there is just a style that suits you best, it's up to you to find it. Whether you are fat or thin, tall or small, supple or not, beginner or expert, it doesn't matter; "Fight Club in the Street" will teach you how to defend yourself against the most common attacks.

Being a member of "Fight Club in the Street" is learning how to defend oneself and not to attack, it is knowing how to help one's fellow man, respect oneself and respect others.

Languages : Français - English - Deutsch - Español

Gesamtlaufzeit aller 3 DVDs: 153 Minuten

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