Pomegranate direct juice 100%, 6 x 1 liter

Ingredients per bottle (glass bottle)

100% pomegranate direct juice from ripe pomegranate fruits.


country of origin is
Azerbaijann. The climate in Azerbaijan is ideal for growing pomegranates, with hot days and cool nights. The pomegranates from Azerbaijan are considered to be the best pomegranates in the world.

About pomegranates:

The pomegranates from which pomegranate juice is obtained are orange-red fruits that are reminiscent of an apple in shape and can reach a diameter of around 10 centimeters. The inside of the fruit from which pomegranate juice is extracted contains up to 400 edible seeds, which can reach a size of around 15 mm. The surrounding seed coat is juicy, plump and glassy and varies in color, from pale pink to deep red. The pulp from which the pomegranate juice is pressed is neither woody nor fleshy. That's why the pomegranate is botanically classified as a berry.

Difference between Mera pomegranate juice and other pomegranate juices:

Compared to other pomegranate juice, 100 percent pure pomegranate juice has numerous positive properties. For example, he will be in high quality glass bottles bottled and not in an artificial Tetra Pak, as is the case elsewhere. Of course there will be pomegranate juice without additives produced. Furthermore, it is one Direct juice.

So this pomegranate juice is no concentrate, to which water is later added again. The fruits for pomegranate juice are harvested between September and December, when they are actually ripe. This is important because pomegranates are non-climacteric fruits. This means that they do not ripen after harvest. Pomegranate juice can no longer be produced from ripe fruits from unripe fruits. However, the ripeness of the fruit is crucial for pomegranate juice. Because only they ensure that in the pomegranate juice numerous enzymes and vital substances are included. Pomegranates, for example, are rich in iron, calcium and vitamin C. These positive ingredients can of course also be found in pomegranate juice.

The fruits for pomegranate juice are grown in the country of origin, Azerbaijan. The pomegranate juice is not only made with it produced under the best climatic conditions. That too ecological system of the country of origin is taken into account in the production of pomegranate juice. Of course, care is taken to ensure that the pomegranate juice is produced to a high standard. In addition, this pomegranate juice is high quality First bottling.

Pomegranate juice is ideal for a cure. The product has a shelf life of up to 18 months. And not only that, the pomegranate juice on offer offers one of the best price-performance ratios in Europe. After all, not every pomegranate juice can compete with the quality of this pomegranate juice.

Quality features Compared to other pomegranate juices:

100% pure pomegranate Direct juice. Without additives.

Filled in high-quality glass bottles - no Tetra Pak like other providers

Pomegranate juice ripe fruits won. These have significantly more vital substances and enzymes.

Pomegranate juice from Azerbaijan, grown under ideal climatic conditions

Produced in accordance with the ecological system of its country of origin.

One of the best pomegranate Price-performanceconditions in Europe. High quality producer first bottling.

The pomegranates from which pomegranate juice is obtained are orange-red fruits that are reminiscent of an apple in shape and can reach a diameter of around 10 centimeters. The inside of the fruit from which pomegranate juice is extracted contains up to 400 edible seeds, which can reach a size of around 15 mm. The surrounding seed coat is juicy, plump and glassy and varies in color, from pale pink to deep red. The pulp from which the pomegranate juice is pressed is neither woody nor fleshy. That's why the pomegranate is botanically classified as a berry. So this pomegranate juice is no concentrate, to which water is later added again. The fruits for pomegranate juice are harvested between September and December, when they are actually ripe. This is important because pomegranates are non-c