TECHNICS SB-3430 crossover/speaker cable/wire plate.

You are viewing a pair of used crossover networks from

a pair of TECHNICS SB-3430 speakers (I believe they are from the 80’s/90’s which makes them at least 20+ years old)

What a lot of people don’t know is that although the speakers may be sounding ok, the little electrolytic capacitors that they put in speaker crossover networks need replacing, after a period of 15-20 years they are often working but they’re way out of tolerance meaning that your speakers aren’t sounding as sharp and accurate as they could be.

They are made of a material that dries out over time, so even if you’ve barely used the speakers, that doesn’t mean that the capacitors will be ok and still playing in the parameters they were set for, in fact sometimes it can be quite detrimental to the speaker itself

I personally change the caps on ANY set of speakers that are over 15 years old, just to make sure

What you are looking at here are a set of crossovers for the speakers mentioned above, but with brand new NICHICON FW capacitors fitted, so in essence you’re good for at least 10-15 years.

The new capacitors are slightly smaller than the original ones, also, the voltage rating is higher (the old ones are 50v and I’ve replaced them with 100v, this won’t make any difference to the sound as it’s only a maximum voltage rating so as long as the new ones are higher than the old, they’ll be absolutely fine) this is a very regular occurrence when replacing caps

The uf rating is the same as the originals

You could pull your old crossovers, and replace with these without having to send your crossovers out to be updated/upgraded, therefore not losing any time with your hi-fi

Taking your crossovers out isn’t a massively time consuming job, it’s literally 4 screws, and a few wires to take off on rear of speakers (inside the speaker cabinet)

I’m not a hi-fi speaker, capacitor or crossover expert but I have been re-doing my caps in my crossovers for years

The capacitors are ‘hot glued’ down to the crossover board to stop vibrations and to stop the caps from coming loose over time

They say that with a cap replacement that there’s an initial ‘burn in’ time which isn’t very long (it’s basically a time in operation where the caps are getting to their full potential) but I’ve noticed good results from upgraded or updated capacitors immediately before, I’ve also noticed speakers getting better when I’ve recapped and had a few listening sessions, they are small differences but they do make the speakers sound sharper and cleaner generally

I sold as set of these that I recapped before and the guy who purchased them said that they did make a difference and really smartened up the sound of his speakers (they won’t however help if your actual drivers/midrange/tweeters aren’t working properly)

Any questions please feel free to ask

Postage is to uk mainland only

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