Ancient Greek Spartan Corinthian Helmet - Bull and eternity Motif - marble base - museum reproduction - pure bronze statue 

Condition: New, Made in Greece.
Material: Pure Bronze
Height with base: 24 cm - 9,45 inches
Width: 15 cm - 5,9 inches
Length: 9 cm - 3,55 inches
Weight: 1410 g

The Corinthian helmet type is one of the most immediately recognizable types of helmet, romantically associated with the great heroes of Ancient Greece, even by the Ancient Greeks themselves who rapidly moved to helmet types with better visibility, but still depicted their heroes in these helmets. It was a helmet made of bronze which in its later styles covered the entire head and neck, with slits for the eyes and mouth. A large curved projection protected the nape of the neck. Out of combat, a Greek hoplite would wear the helmet tipped upward for comfort. Originals of these can be seen in museums across the world, but the prototypes are in the Olympia museum in Greece.
The bull played a prominent role in Minoan culture, with bull images appearing constantly on frescoes and on pottery. The original piece is in the museum in Heraklion Crete. Minoan frescos and ceramics depict the bull-leaping ritual in which participants of both sexes vaulted over bulls by grasping their horns. Minoan Bull is a symbol of Great power, strength and prosperity!
Meander symbolizes as well the bonds of friendship, of love and devotion and that’s the reason it’s often given as marriage gift. It can symbolize as well the four cardinal points, the 4 seasons, waves – especially in the round version of it, or snakes, among others.
