Josera Hypoallergenic is a lean, grain-free recipe with an exceptional protein source and is particularly suitable for a hypoallergenic diet.
Insects as animal protein source
Highly digestible
Moderate fat and protein content
L-carnitine and Taurine support the cardiac function
Also suitable for older dogs
As with most Josera dog food recipes, Hypo-Allergenic is gluten-free.

All Josera recipes are:
Free from wheat, soya and GM ingredients
Free from artificial flavourings, colourings and preservatives, and dairy and sugar

Sustainable, carbon-neutral dog food produced with DLG-certified quality ingredients for optimal digestibility and lower feed rations.

Voted Most Sustainable Pet Food Brand globally by the Pet Sustainability Coalition 2020-2021.

Daily feeding recommendation:

Based on target adult weight
dog weight 5kg: less active/senior 55g normal activity 65g active 85g
dog weight 10kg: less active/senior 85g normal activity 115g active 145g
dog weight 20kg: less active/senior 140g normal activity 195g active 245g
dog weight 30kg: less active/senior 190g normal activity 260g active 330g
dog weight 40kg: less active/senior 240g normal activity 325g active 410g
dog weight 60kg: less active/senior 350g normal activity 455g active 560g
dog weight 80kg: less active/senior 400g normal activity 545g active 690g
Fresh water should be available at all times for your dog.

dried potato; pea flour; potato protein; insects 10.0%; poultry fat; hydrolysed yeast; beet fibre; minerals; carob meal.
Analytical Constituents:
Crude protein 22%, Fat content 12%, Moisture 9%, Crude fibre 2.5%, Crude ash 6.5%, Calcium 0.95%, Phosphorus 0.65%, Sodium 0.40%, Magnesium 0.08%.
Metabolizable energy: 15.30MJ/kg, 3657kcal/kg
Nutritional additives per 1kg: vitamin A 24,000 I.U., vitamin D3 1,800 I.U., vitamin E 220mg, vitamin B1 15mg, vitamin B2 20mg, vitamin B6 20mg, vitamin B12 100mcg. Pantothenic acid 50mg, Niacin 90mg, Folic acid 5mg, Lcarnitine 250mg, Taurine 1000mg, Biotin 1000mcg, vitamin C 100mg, iron (ferrous sulfate, monohydrate) 200mg, zinc (zinc chelate of glycine, hydrate) 160mg, manganese (manganese-(II)-oxide) 25mg, copper (cupric chelate of glycine, hydrate) 20mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 2.0mg, Selenium (sodium selenite) 0.30mg. Antioxidants: tocopherol extracts of natural origin.