Ormus Minerals



Ormus Mental Benefits

  1. Clearer Thinking
  2. Developed Intuition
  3. Emotional Healing
  4. Greater Clarity and Focus
  5. Heightened Senses
  6. Sense of Being Fully Present
  7. Sense of Calm
  8. Thought Manifestation


Ormus Physical Benefits

  1. Aids Intestinal Tract
         Absorption of Food Particles
  2. Body Cells' Generation
    of Hydroelectric Energy
  3. Body Cells' Hydration and Nourishment
  4. Body Cells' Regeneration
         and Communication
  5. Body Cells' Rejuvenation
  6. Improves Vision
  7. Increases Electrolytes
  8. Increases Energy
  9. Prevents Muscle Cramps
  10. Promotes Bone Strength
  11. Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar
  12. Promotes Healthy Cellular PH Balance
  13. Promotes Healthy DNA & RNA
  14. Promotes Healthy Immune System Function


Fulvic Acid Benefits


  1.  Improves Gut Health and Immune Function 
  2.  Helps Boost Digestion and Nutrient Absorption
  3.  Protects Cognitive Health 
  4.  Improves Detoxification 
  5.  Lowers Free Radical Damage and Inflammation
  6. Improves Energy Levels and Lowers pain
  7. Repairs and Protects Skin
  8. Improve Muscle Strength



          Colloidal Minerals Benefits

  1.  Improves energy
  2.  Turn grey hair dark
  3.  Improve Blood Sugar levels 
  4.  Improving General Well being 
  5.  Reduces aches and pains
  6.  Reduces Blood Cell Clumping

Try Combined Energy Ormus Minerals Today!!



Ormus Minerals  
Combined Energy 
Receive an 8oz Liquid Bottle

Shake Bottle Before Use 
Take with Water or Juice on an Empty Stomach 
Take 1/2 Teaspoon To 2 Teaspoon 2 times a day 






1/2 Teaspoon



Structured Filtered Water, 
Ormus Concentrate from Dead Sea Salt,  
Atlantic Ocean Water, Ocean Minerals,
Fulvic Acid Minerals, Colloidial Minerals,
Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole Minerals, Mica Minerals