Thrilling reading in FAMILY TREASON: THE WALKER SPY CASE. This 240 page hardback by Jack Kneece was published in 1986. From the DJ we read, "As gripping as The Falcon and the Snowman and more dramatic than bestselling spy fiction, this is  the true story of American serviceman and officers who sold out the country they had sworn to defend. Not since Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were arrested, convicted, and executed in the early 1950s has the FBI uncovered an espionage ring that has been as devastating to American national security. Flourishing for twenty years, it is the most enduring spy network yet uncovered. John Walker's admission of guilt was just the beginning of the story. Nuclear submarines are-or were-our best defense against a Soviet first strike. The Soviets now know how we track and communicate with our nuclear submarines-and how we track theirs. The previously invulnerable component of our 'Strategic Triad' has been undermined by a family spy ring the government says was masterminded by John Walker, the veteran naval officer who espoused right wing politics, operated a detective agency, and with seeming unconcern for the consequences, put all of his fellow Americans in mortal danger. We have to ask: What kind of man could do that? And why would he? And how did he inveigle others into betraying their country? Who resisted his temptations? When a frightened woman called the FBI to tell them about John Walker, why did the FBI turn a deaf ear so long? Who are our guardians if the armed services security forces and the FBI are so lax?Family Treason is a ground-breaking book because it takes us behind the newspaper headlines to the shaping of a master spy, Walker's early burglary conviction, his undetected double life aboard nuclear submarines, his extracurricular sex life, his decades-long smuggling of secret documents to the Soviets at the same time that much of U.S. law enforcement occupied itself with victimless crimes. As one moves toward the apex of crime, one hears of rape, murder, and then the crime worse than murder, treason, because it can, in the nuclear age, threaten an entire nation with death. Yet smiling John Walker was able to enlist his brother,  a retired Navy lieutenant commander; his son, a seaman aboard the aircraft carrier Nimitz; and, according to his own testimony, a Navy cryptographic expert, Jerry Whitworth, in a self-serving masquerade in which they played with the life and death of every 4.60 Media mail to US destinations. Canadian residents 20.75 First Class mail. All others welcome but extra postage required and shipped entirely at your risk.