• Publisher Code: 635621501157
  • Title: Target and Approach Tones
  • Subtitle: Target and Approach Tones
  • Composer: Riposo, Joe
  • Publisher: Aebersold
  • Instrumentation: Any Instrument
  • Product Type: Music
  • Language: English
  • Total pages: 48
  • Publication Date: 08/08/2017
  • ISMN: 0635621501157
  • ISBN: 9781562242633
  • EAN: TAT
  • Difficulty level: Intermediate
  • Genre: Jazz
  • Product media description: Methods & Tutors
  • Dimensions: 279X216
  • Learn the secret to playing long, flowing musical lines that move from one chord change to the other in a smooth, seamless manner. This book explains approach tones (a tone or series of tones leading to a chord tone of the next chord - usually by a whole or half step) and target tone (tones that resolve your phrases and outline harmony). All great jazz players use this technique to create forward motion, tension/release, and play musical solos that sound right.