• Publisher Code: 0571512496
  • Title: Suite & Light. Stringsets (parts)
  • Subtitle: Suite & Light. Stringsets (parts)
  • Composer: Osborne, Tony
  • Publisher: Faber Music
  • Instrumentation: Violin, Cello, Viola, Double Bass
  • Product Type: Music
  • Total pages: 36
  • Publication Date: 25/10/1991
  • ISMN: 9780571512492
  • EAN: 0571512496
  • Genre: Instrumental
  • Series: Stringsets
  • Product Category: Stringsets
  • Product media description: Ensemble Music
  • Sub category: Instrumental Parts, Instrumental Score
  • Dimensions: 286X225
  • A taste of the twenties, a sentimental ballad, a jazz waltz and some funk-rock are brought together in a suite which explores the lighter side of string playing.

    Drawing on a variety of poplular styles, some less familiar rhythms and bowing patterns, and a fresh harmonic framework, it offers plenty of new challenges for the string ensemble of moderate ability without overstretching the players technically. Exciting new musical experiences await!