Every reasonable offer will be accepted. I wish for people to own use have and enjoy things in my store that you are currently in.

The last photograph is a serious hooked folk art items discovered on a very fine historic antique home estate sale here on the rugged coast of maine. Obviously they are not included they are just a sample of what else it was in this store. All of them are of the utmost skilled level work in artistry.

The dimensions are 22 inches by 17 in. It is in great condition please use pixel 6 high definition photographs to discover this and help yourself to make a very important decision to win this artwork. The destination of this piece is of great variety it can be permanently on the table in the kitchen it can be mounted on a wall and can also be placed on the side tables.

Alaska Hawaii Oregon California Washington may get extra shipping charges. Shipping has become egregious in the last 12 months. Therefore I have come to use the post office making things manageable and affordable. The shipping on this artwork is token as you can see. I absorb most of the cost myself in the store anyways to make it simple for people to purchase.