Romanian Lovage Galeo 6x7g.

Lovage is a Mediterranean perennial plant, very common in Romanian cuisine, where both its leaves and its seeds and roots are used.

Ingredient: lovage

May contain (allergens): mustard, gluten-free cereals, celery, soy, milk and eggs.

Store in a cool, dry place. Store at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius and relative humidity max. 75%.


Leustean Galeo 6x7g. 

Leusteanul este o planta perena mediteraneana, foarte des intalnita in bucataria romaneasca, unde se folosesc atat frunzele acesteia, cat si semintele sau radacina.

Ingrediente: Leustean 

Poate contine (alergeni): mustar, cereale cu gluten, telina, soia, lapte si oua.

A se pastra la loc uscat si racoros. A se pastra la temperaturi de pana la 25 grade celsius si umiditate relativa max. 75%.