Delikat vegetable food base 2x400 g. Delikat contains carefully selected vegetables, greens and spices, dried naturally and mixed in the right proportions, to give a perfect taste to the food.

With carefully selected ingredients, preserved by drying, Delikat vegetable food base is the most suitable ingredient for both soups and broths, as well as for the second course, when you want to enrich your food with taste and flavor of tasty vegetables. For you and your loved ones to gather at home every day.

Season the food with the help of delicious food bases from Delikat!

Ingredients: Iodized salt, sugar, flavor enhancers (sodium monoglutamate, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate), vegetables (carrot (3.3%), red pepper (1.1%), parsnip (1%), celery powder, parsley root , onions (0.1%), flavors (contain barley, egg), yeast extract, greens (parsley (0.4%), larch), chicken fat (0.05%), colorant (riboflavin), antioxidant (rosemary extract) .

Usage details: Add a teaspoon (2.5 g) of Delikat chicken flavor to one serving (250ml) while preparing soups and dishes. Do not add salt unless absolutely necessary! Good appetite!


Delikat baza pentru mancare de legume 2x400 g. Delikat contine legume, verdeturi si condimente atent selectionate, uscate natural si amestecate in proportiile corecte, pentru a da un gust desavarsit mancarurilor.

Cu ingrediente atent selectionate, conservate prin uscare, Delikat baza mancaruri legume este ingredientul cel mai potrivit atat pentru supe si ciorbe, cat si pentru felul doi, atunci cand vrei sa imbogatesti mancarea ta cu gust si savoare de legume savuroase. Pentru ca tu si ce dragi sa va adunati cu drag acasa, in fiecare zi.

Condimenteaza mancarea cu ajutorul delicioaselor baze pentru mancare de la Delikat!

Ingrediente: Sare iodata, zahar, potentiatori de aroma (monoglutamat de sodiu, inozinat disodic, guanilat disodic), legume (morcov (3.3%), ardei rosu (1.1%), pastarnac (1%), pudra de telina, radacina de patrunjel, ceapa (0.1%)), arome (contin orz, ou), extract de drojdie, verdeturi (patrunjel (0.4%), leustean), grasime de pui (0.05%), colorant (riboflavina), antioxidant (extract de rozmarin).

Detalii de utilizare: Adaugati o lingurita rasa (2.5 g) de Delikat gust de gaina pentru o portie (250ml), in timpul prepararii ciorbelor si mancarurilor. Nu adaugati sare decat daca este neaparat nevoie! Pofta buna!