[Bledington, Gloucestershire] c.1820 Hand Drawn Estate Plan on Vellum “The Property of John Jefferis Hooper”, Drawn By The Surveyor John Heath

Decoratively titled in upper left corner “Plan of an Estate Lying in the Parish of Bledington in the County of Gloucester, the Property of John Jefferis Hooper Esq.”. The plan depicts various parcels of adjoining land, each of which has been numbered and listed in a contents table at upper right corner, along with a series of cottages at the north end of the plan, close to the road into the village of Bledington. The church is also shown on the plan and is situated south-east of the cottages. Though undated, the artist is thankfully known,  “Surveyed and Drawn by John Heath” is inscribed just below a ruler for scale. The adjoining landowners have also been marked on the boundaries, “Devonport’s”, “Turville’s” and “Digger’s” Ground. Executed in black ink, the background appears to have a very light white coloured wash to highlight the design, possibly made with a diluted gouache paint? 

John Jefferies Hooper (1785-1845), though undated, the plan most likely dates to around 1820.

Approx. 610x350mm., laid onto thick (20thC.) card, natural hole to the skin in lower border