Norton Blaze Disc 115mm x 22mm

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Norton Code - 6623303783

Norton Blaze Ceramic Rapid Strip discs are ideal for fast stripping and cleaning without gouging or causing excessive stock removal on metal. These discs can withstand heavy applications such as stripping rust encrusted metal, without shredding. Not only tough, Blaze Rapid Strip discs are also extremely versatile, by using a lighter pressure Blaze Rapid Strip can also be used as a surface finishing disc.

Features and Benefits

Norton SG Blaze ceramic grain
3D Web construction
No shedding on rust-encrusted pieces, or load on soft metals
Resists loading
Prevents gouging and rework
Aggressively removes surface contaminants
Removes weld splatter and burrs
Cleans and conditions without damaging work component
Provides perfect consistent key for paint/coating
Safe to use on cast iron, steels, aluminium, fibreglass and composites