Ajax the great Sword, Xiphos - Ancient Greek Hero, Warrior - Homer, Iliad - pure Bronze Sculpture 

Condition: New, Made in Greece.
Material: Pure Bronze
Height: 28 cm - 11,02 inches
Width: 28 cm - 11,02 inches
Length: 3,5 cm - 1,38 inches
Weight: 420 g

Ajax or Aias is a Greek mythological hero, the son of King Telamon and Periboea, and the half-brother of Teucer. He plays an important role, and is portrayed as a towering figure and a warrior of great courage in Homer's Iliad and in the Epic Cycle, a series of epic poems about the Trojan War. He is also referred to as "Telamonian Ajax", "Greater Ajax", or "Ajax the Great", which distinguishes him from Ajax, son of Oileus, also known as Ajax the Lesser.
ΓΙΩ No 58 ΞΙΦΟΣ ΑΙΑΝΤΑ  - 20         