Coping With Holiday Grief, Paperback by Carpenter, Dora; Ferguson, Christina, ISBN 1502728575, ISBN-13 9781502728579, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

How do you cope with the happy holiday season when you are heartbroken from the death of a loved one? While you are drowning in tears of sadness, it seems that everyone else has forgotten about your loss. The sights, sounds, and smells of the season confront you wherever you go. The rituals of family togetherness, gift giving, decorations, and celebrations really touch the heart of the void that has been left. The reality hits that the holidays you once treasured with your loved one will never be the same. A frequent question asked by clients is, “Can I make the holiday season disappear and simply skip to the New Year?” The holiday season is a time to honor and remember our loved ones. It is also a time to remember our own needs, as we seek meaning and gratitude in our new life going forward. Dora Carpenter’s “5-Step Recipe for Coping with Holiday Grief” walks you through the holiday grief journey. Christina Ferguson reminds us that we must not forget about the children who have also been affected by the loss. Use this quick-read for yourself or share with someone else who is grieving the loss of a loved one this holiday season.