American Aviation Historical Society AAHS Fall 1974

Cover: Glenn Curtiss (Leading) and Louis Paulhan over Dominguez Stands


Chinese Air Force, 1931-1940, The

Ray Wagner


Great Mousetrap Play, The

Merle Olmstead


Charles Willard-The Exhibition Years

Martin Cole and Herman T. Schreiner


Whiskey Express, The

Norman L. Avery


Ryan Mechanics Monoplane Co and William J Waterhouse

William Wagner


OL-5 and the Beginnings of Coast Guard Aviation

Bernard C. Nalty and Truman R. Strobridge


What Otto Didn't Discover

E.D. Weeks


Bars for the Star

Robert C. Mikesh


Stinson Production Notes 1920-1948

John Underwood


Starfighters and Sunshine Equals

Geoffrey B. Rhodes


Art and the Airman

Robert A. Rose DDS


Medal of Honor - Jefferson Joseph DeBlanc

William J. Bennett


Forum of Flight

Robert L. Lawson


Screaming Eagles

Harry Gann