Some Answered Questions

Abdu’l-Bahá ‘Abbás (1844 - 1921)
Translated by Laura Clifford Barney (1879 - 1974)

Some Answered Questions was first published in 1908. It contains questions asked to `Abdu'l-Bahá by Laura Clifford Barney, during several of her visits to Haifa between 1904 and 1906, and `Abdu'l-Bahá's answers to these questions.
Prominent among the topics are detailed explanations of Christian subjects, including interpretations of chapters 11 and 12 of the Book of Revelation, chapter 11 of the Book of Isaiah, the story of Genesis, and many other subjects.Topics covered include God, Prophets of God, Christian subjects, evolution, the soul, immortality, fate, free will, healing, the non-existence of evil, and reincarnation.

Read by Multiple Readers

Run Time 10:53:06 x 10 Audio CDs

Section --- Chapter --- Run Time
1 00 - Introduction - 03:36
2 01 - [Part 1: On the Influence of the Prophets in the Evolution of Humanity] 1. Nature is Governed... - 16:36
3 02 - 4. Abraham, 5. Moses, 6. Christ - 09:16
4 03 - 7. Muhammad, 8. The Bab, 9. Baha'u'llah - 45:27
5 04 - 10. Traditional Proofs Exemplified from the Book of Daniel - 23:02
6 05 - 11. Commentary on the Eleventh Chapter of the Revelation of St. John - 39:59
7 06 - 12. Commentary on the Eleventh Chapter of the Book of Isaiah - 11:27
8 07 - 13. Commentary on the Twelfth Chapter of the Revelation of St. John - 13:31
9 08 - 14. Spiritual Proofs, 15. True Wealth - 19:21
10 09 - [Part 2: Some Christian Subjects] 16. Outward Forms and Symbols Must be Used to Convey... - 13:58
11 10 - 19. The Baptism of Christ, 20. The Necessity of Baptism, 21. The Symbolism of the Bread and... - 22:50
12 11 - 22. Miracles, 23. The Resurrection of Christ, 24. The Descent of the Holy Spirit Upon the... - 14:29
13 12 - 25. The Holy Spirit, 26. The Second Coming of Christ, and the Day of Judgment, 27. The Trinity - 15:01
14 13 - 28. Explanation of the Verse: 'O Father, Glorify Thou Me With the Glory Which I Had With Thee... - 26:59
15 14 - 31. Explanation of the Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit, 32. Explanation of the Verse: 'For... - 17:27
16 15 - 34. Peter's Confession of Faith, 35. Predestination - 08:18
17 16 - [Part 3: On the Powers and Conditions of the Manifestations of God] 36. The Five Aspects of... - 22:09
18 17 - 38. The Three Stations of the Divine Manifestations, 39. The Human Condition and the Spiritual... - 13:56
19 18 - 40. The Knowledge of the Divine Manifestations, 41. The Universal Cycles, 42. The Power and... - 13:12
20 19 - 43. The Two Classes of Prophets, 44. Explanation of the Rebukes Addressed by God to the... - 28:51
21 20 - [Part 4: On the Origins, Powers, and Conditions of Man] 46. Modification of Species, 47. The... - 34:28
22 21 - 49. The Growth and Development of the Human Race, 50. Spiritual Proofs of the Origin of Man,... - 19:53
23 22 - 52. The Appearing of the Spirit in the Body, 53. The Relation Between God and the Creature,... - 19:40
24 23 - 55. Soul, Spirit, and Mind, 56. The Physical Powers and the Intellectual Powers, 57. The... - 16:54
25 24 - 58. The Degree of Knowledge Possess by Man, and the Divine Manifestations, 59. Man's Knowledge... - 15:18
26 25 - 61. The Immortality of the Spirit (II.), 62. Perfections Are Without Limit, 63. The Evolution... - 18:23
27 26 - 64. The State of Man and His Progress After Death, 65. Explanation of a Verse in the... - 13:33
28 27 - 67. Eternal Life and Entrance Into the Kingdom of God, 68. Fate, 69. The Influence of the Stars - 15:07
29 28 - 70. Free-Will, 71. Visions, and Communication with Spirits, 72. Healing by Spiritual Means,... - 26:55
30 29 - [Part 5: Miscellaneous Subjects] 74. The Non-Existence of Evil, 75. There Are Two Kinds of... - 11:00
31 30 - 77. The Right Method of Treating Criminals - 12:35
32 31 - 78. The Reality of the Exterior World, 79. Real Pre-Existence - 09:43
33 32 - 80. Reincarnation - 19:53
34 33 - 81. Pantheism - 17:47
35 34 - 82. The Four Methods of Acquiring Knowledge, 82. The Necessity of Following the Teachings of... - 22:51

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.